I’ve seen you label disagreement as hate.
I’ve seen you label disagreement as trolling.
I’ve seen you label disagreement as harassment.
However, it’s none of those things, it’s just disagreement.
i actually agree with that, on itself, it’s ironic staying on-topic nowadays.
Indeed. If a post is not against the forum rules, no matter how many flags it gets, it won’t be removed or get a player suspended. Hence, no way to really abuse it. It is mildly annoying to have a post greyed out for a bit, but it can still be read so no harm really.
Besides, we only get 5 flags a day so people only use them when they really feel something is a problem.
The OP knows this though, and knows politics don’t belong on the game forums.
oh no, here they are, always the same duo;
-and btw, thats my factbased opinion lol.
from the millions of subjects, why do all platforms copy the first and cencors any form of mild political expressions, even if related to a thread subject?
BTW, MB, you can at most speak for yourself, not for others…
“Can mass flagging be weaponised?” I mean theres a possiblilty that a disagreement you had with someone could cause them to have feelings of dislike towards you and whenever they see your name on something they auto instantly flag/report you. But damn how many community membners would you have had to piss off to expereience this to that extend lol…
I’ve had arguments/disagreements here and there and most of the time I know what im talking about and if the other member wont/cant understand after explaining once or twice I just move on. You should do the same. Dont feed trolls/bullies, just ignore them.
dozens…in the last few years, they are never-RUNtoFUNners, a proven fenomenon in real life too.
The facts are that I disagree with you. Sometimes strongly. Certainly frequently.
Your subjective opinion is that I hate, harass and troll you.
Whilst you’re entitled to feel that way, that does not make it true.
Not only is your opinion not fact-based, it’s also wrong.
Your words are honey to my ears.
Always feels good to get a Green / Blue response.
as i said before, i can’t help it when you ignore all my elaborations that clearly states that i see all opinions as subjective and contains, at most, empirical science, not truth.
if you keep ignoring this, you can go along for another few years telling me that my reasoning is wrong…
-for instance, since all opinions are subjective they can’t be right or wrong…at best subjective personal impressions of some truth, based on empirical science.
gz on the many likes, but you are wrong for years on this rigid comment;
-it’s the way, posters ‘disagree’ where you see hate and insults are incorporated.
-no need for me to elaborate on this, it’s proven.
-as you could have seen, is that i stay friendly with posters that disagree in a civil way…
-i spit back at posters that wrap their disagreement in…hate, trolling, harassment and insults, get it now? (if not, you’ll never get it or you never WANT to get it).
That may have something to do with the fact that you post total bunko. Fact, mind you, not opinion. I know you’re not clear on what constitutes the latter so figured I better be clear.
Best comment all day. This Bud is for you.
If it’s that many, did you ever consider the possibility that maybe they aren’t the problem?
are you a relativist?
as in do you ascribe to the idea that there is no such thing as objective truth but that all “truth” is merely an expression of your personal opinion about said truth?
As others have said, the worst that can happen from mass flagging of your post is the post being hidden and Blizzard reviewing it. Nothing else will happen unless Blizzard determines your post was against the ToS.
There’s also an important thing to note here: Other people being mean to you or even breaking the ToS is not a valid excuse for breaking the ToS yourself. It doesn’t matter if you want to claim people are disagreeing with you in hateful ways, that doesn’t give you a free pass to be hateful yourself.
That said if it’s happening a lot you may want to step back and consider if you’re not doing something. I get into my share of arguments around here and I don’t get mass reported.
At least in GD, it’s not a case of “I posted an opinion people don’t like so they mass reported me for it out of spite”.
You obviously haven’t seen his myriad tantrums in the past.
Makes unpopular suggestion threads, then he goes on a flagging spree himself and launches tirades against people who dislike his ideas, always playing the unfairly treated victim and blaming everyone else.
Then his thread gets locked/deleted and later opens another one to complain. Just like this one.
But don’t take my word for it, ask Cheetah. He’s accused her a gazillion times of being a mod in disguise and having a vendetta against him. Considering the number of times he’s been banned, I’m genuinely shocked he’s still able to post today.
Oh, I most certainly have seen his posts in the past. Tin foil hat wearing cult member who spouts nonsense and then gets butthurt when people call him out on his nonsense. I know he likes to stir the pot and act all upset when others don’t support his views. Perpetual victimhood - that’s what him and his kind thrive on.
And yeah, I’m surprised he hasn’t been outright banned yet. also.
But I suppose that’s just my ‘opinion’.
Hate is a word laden with emotion.
Many people confuse it with critizism and disagreement. People pretending to be victims use it frequently to gain pity.
If you are unable to distinguish between “hate” against your arguments and ideas, and hate against your person, you will not do well in any debates. Ever.
Disagreeing with you is not an automatic wish to inflict discomfort on you, it’s a hope for you to make a counterargument to make both parties more enlightened on the subject.
Debate is not for glorifying anyone in particular, but to hopefully gain wisdom for all engaged parties.
If people are not careful there will be a filter put in place so that only Diablo topics will be allowed. Its not a hard filter to make for the devs. So I wouldn’t push them to do it.
There are no politics or currant events news here. It should stay that way
It is already against the rules to post things not related to Diablo 3 (or 4 seeing as there is a sticky giving permission to talk about D4 here). The only thing they have not done is make a filter that removes things automatically, which I think is impossible and it would be easy to game by just putting the word Diablo in the topic.
The Diablo III forums are for discussion of topics directly related to Diablo III.
The forums here are specifically to discuss the game and related topics. Any topics not related to Diablo III, Battle. net, or Blizzard Entertainment are subject to deletion.
And this reminder about discussing post moderation of any sort (grey/deleted/modified)
Do not post about moderated threads.
Post that are moderated have a reason behind the moderation. It’s up to you to read the forum Code of Conduct and these guidelines to determine what you did wrong, learn from your mistake, and attempt to post again without breaking any rules.
Sticky with Forum Guidelines: Welcome! Please Read
Forum Code of Conduct: Blizzard Support - Forum Code of Conduct
Sticky with permission to post D4 things here Diablo IV and Ongoing Communication
lmao you do know that doesnt mean much right. The majority of people do not read the rules to sites they join and even less bother to follow them. Not to mention the mod team here is soo backup up that these forums are a wreck. Ill assume they are backed up other wise someone is slacking lol
As for talking about moderated posts. That is funny. While you might be able to ask that here. People dont post things like that here. They post them on reddit in threads made to do nothing more then rip apart forum mods and helpers. You can find mod conversations, talks about mods personal lives and all kinds of funny stuff. Also there is no way I will agree to the mods being gods.