I’ve never paid much attention to these on PS4, since I am couch co-op’ing there with my wife, but now that I’ve played through the campaign on the PC as well, the completionist in me yells in frustration of not having acquired all of these.
Are there any special circumstances required for e.g., all Leah’s notes in Act II and III to appear, for example? Or do I just have to keep going, replaying the acts if necessary? I am generally missing 1 or 2 of the aforementioned, as well as 2-3 dungeons per act.
IIRC there’s a specific moment for each of those notes to appear. The diablo wiki probably has more information.
Note that some achievements are impossible to get because they were removed from the game (e.g. Jay Wilson monster).
Yes. They usually appear after completing a particular Quest, but before starting a new Quest.
- Act II — Leah’s Caldeum Journals
- Act III — Leah’s Keep Journals
If you’re specifically trying to complete all the Achievements, you can restart a particular Quest to acquire the necessary (Leah’s) Journals. Once you have them, you can restart your game where you left off, later in the Campaign. You can also do this for other Achievements. Like NPC Conversations.
Some of the Dungeons in D3 spawn randomly, and in random areas of specific Maps. For example, in Act III, Fields of Slaughter, you can find either the Icefall Caves or the Caverns of Frost. But, never both. And they can spawn in one of four quadrants of that Map.
Depending on the Dungeon you’re looking for, you may have to clear an area to find it. If it isn’t there, you can just Leave Game and restart. Explore that area again. (You shouldn’t have to reset your Quests for this).
I believe Blizzard adjusted many (if not all) of the Achievements so they could be completed. For example, the Achievement that required us to purchase certain items from Vendors, including a Dye from the Mystic. When the Dye system was changed Blizzard eventually removed the Dye item from the Achievements list.
As far as Jay Wilson goes, he spawns in Act I, The Old Ruins, Development Hell Dungeon. That Dungeon is a very rare spawn, but I believe it is still available.
Someone with more knowledge on this may know if there are any Achievements that can no longer be completed. And, if so, which ones they are.
I should also note that I play on PC. So, it may be different for console players.
Great info from both you and MaXelL, thanks! I’ve finished the conversation achievements in the base game (Diablo 4, I will wait with act 5 RoS until I have managed to finish as much as I can in acts I-IV without going insane while doing it.
I am struggling a bit with some dungeons. Do some of them spawn only in Adventure mode? One is the House of Curios.
No. Everything in Campaign Mode is also available in Adventure Mode. There are some “new” areas in Adventure Mode that cannot be accessed in Campaign Mode. But, anything related to Achievements (General) can be done in Campaign Mode.
The only Achievements that require Adventure Mode are those listed on the Season Tab. Without RoS, you cannot even select Adventure Mode or complete Campaign Act V (Act 5).
If you get Reaper of Souls, new Achievements will be added, as well as new Campaign Quests. (Campaign Mode).
Adventure Mode is essentially D3 end-game content. Seasons are done in Adventure Mode. Every other Season, there is one Conquest that requires Campaign Mode. (If you choose to do that Conquest).
This can be done in Campaign Mode OR Adventure Mode.
It is easier to do in Adventure Mode since all Maps are available without having to complete Quests first. In Campaign Mode you’ll have to reset your Quests to Act I at a place where you’ve already discovered the Fields of Misery Waypoint. Then it’s just a matter of exploring the area until you find the spot labeled the Lonely Dwelling. The “Dungeon” entrance will be labeled House of Curios. If you fully explore the area and don’t find it, just Leave Game and restart. Explore the area again until it spawns. When you’re finished, you can then reset your Quests to the Act where you left off and continue the Campaign.
But is it always in the same spot were you otherwise will find the Pillaged Home, The Tinkerer’s Cottage (or some such), Sheltered Cottage… etc.? I.e. in the north-north western part of the FoM?
I’m not really sure about its spawn points.
See if this helps: Diablo Wiki — House of Curios
Ah, yes. I’ve seen that. Tried to look at the map picture given, but it is too small to make something useful out of it (at least for me!). However, now I found another picture that seems to indicate that it does NOT have to be in the Sheltered Cottage location, so I’ll be more thorough from now on.
See https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/diablo/images/0/06/Screenshot143.jpg
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Here is one location I found by searching diablo 3 map to house of curios and clicking the Images tab:
Here’s another one I found with the same search. It shows the same location as seen in the video I embedded above:
If you don’t find it in one of those two places, there’s not many other areas to check. (Note their location in relation to the Waypoint).
Thanks. Mission accomplished. Now for Abandoned Servant’s House…
I can confirm you can get Campaign Achievements on Adventure Mode and vice versa.
Much like some of us above in the thread making the assumption, it can be done.
I just completed the curse of the dais in adventure mode and got the achievement for my campaign achievements.