Yeah. He cites the COC as the reason he doesn’t discuss politics–as if politics doesn’t thread through everything (cough Acti-Blizzard gives CEO record bonus while laying off workers cough) in a forum where we occasionally have to crawl through someone lamenting how the SJW Soy Boys are ruining X or Y.
Err, Phoenix has it, though. Flag, move on, enjoy your Doom Etern-- err, day.
Edit: Lodestone is dropping the mic in here. Bravo, sir, ma’am, or they. I salute you!
Argument in favor of balance is not wrong, especially in a competitive format. What could become a grey area is when an argument does or does not advocate actual balance, and there are many variables to consider when making that determination. Because I am not Rain Man, I don’t get that deep into it. I have to trust the people with more knowledge than I have to make those decisions. All I can do is state my admittedly subjective opinion, based on an in-game experience.
As for the continuation of a theme, which I now see will be a thing, I regret my choice of the word “politics”. It seems to be taken as only which way the government should run, and not social interaction as I originally intended. Therefore, let me correct myself and (again) state that my original intent was to flag the person-against-person tactics as the target of that post, and not any system of managing state resources, law, or any other associated subject.
The statement could now read “I don’t care much for infighting and personal vendetta” instead of “I don’t care much for politics”.
I think that you must have missed Nevalistis follow-up post on February 14 where she acknowledged that I was justified to be concerned about Blizzard numbers in the game balance blog post.
The data I used was publicly available through Blizzard’s API and it was taken at a later date than what was used in the blog post and more accurately reflected the reality at the time.
As you may know, the blog post presented season and non-season data. The season theme was considered OP by many. Using their 5k paragon metric, most classes (4 of 7) had lower clears in season than non-season. This difference was 1-10 GRs. I think we can all agree that the seasonal theme did not weaken character’s ability to clear GRs.
From Blizzard’s blog post, they state that both buffs and nerfs are in their arsenal to balance the game. I think that this strategy makes sense to me.
I agree with this. We can respectfully disagree and be civil. I think this thread clearly shows that there is a diversity of opinions on the importance of game balance and what people consider fun. I waited many, many days before posting in this thread, due to this thread’s initial posts.
And she may have but no where in that statement is a retraction. Being concerned about blizzards numbers and yours being wrong are two different things. They do not balance the equation suddenly making you right. Your data is still wrong!
You had some of the data not all, blizzard does not release all of the data and never will. You were told this already and at this point I believe you are wilfully acting ignorant. You have been slapped in the face with facts mutiple times and still fail to grasp that you are wrong. You are drawing conclusions for what you feel is correct and good for the game with data that that fits your narrative.
Enjoy living in your world. When you decide to join the rest of us in the real world maybe we can chat again till then I’m out.
You can disagree intellectually with my data analytics and the choice of datasets; however, the data itself is directly from Blizzard and was not wrong at the time. I clearly stated that I only looked at the Amercan region leaderboard that was directly downloaded from Blizzard. Also, I stated how I analyzed the data. I even acknowledged that Blizzard had more data, explicitly mentioning they had worldwide leaderboard data.
I used the actual solo GR clears for players between 4.5K paragon and 5.5K paragon. Blizzard scaled/transformed their data for the leaderboard to bring up/down to a 5K paragon level. As you can imagine, when you scale data you potentially introduce artifacts/“byproducts” that skew the data analytics.
Their tables on 5K paragon clears (season vs. non-season) speak for themselves.
Yea the new GoD set is fun. Reading the old troll posts from the usual troll is not fun man. Can’t believe that dude still butt hurt about the barb rend buff, that was like how many moons ago.
It is unclear the top solo non-season clears in patch 2.6.9 for both crusaders and witch doctors as both classes were nerfed as each had about 30 players worldwide clear GR 150 in patch 2.6.8. The data using current builds is below:
Top Worldwide Solo GR Tier
Time of Top clear
? (Nerfed in patch 2.6.9)
Demon Hunter
150 (17 players)
150 (6 players)
Witch Doctor
? (Nerfed in Patch 2.6.9)
I think that this shows that wizards need a buff among other things.
It’s very strong. Seems like DHs are having a lot of fun.
TLDR: A few persistent trolls continue taking dumps on the lawn. We get the hose, we give 'em a good spray, and we use recycled baggies to get their business in the proper bins.
They still are, by and large. A different way to respond would to be ask: As opposed to when? Blizzard forums have always had the problem that they’re Blizzard forums.
I never really enjoyed dh until this set. I also really like versatility. I don’t feel locked into a set weapon (s) and can swap as needed with little punishment for doing so. Save for dawn of course. And you can swap a couple skills out to try something new every once in a while. Speed farming 90 in 2-3 minutes at under 700 paragon makes me as giddy as school girl that just got her first kiss.
Yep, same when a lot of the sets came out, they were the new toy to play with, even if they weren’t that strong (Wiz, Barb) lots of people were still messing around with them to see what they could come up with.
I am really enjoying the new GoD set, plenty of room to play around with combinations. Cleared 107 in just over 14 minutes, 695 paragon with 2 level 50 and one level 30 gem.
Witch doctor is following super close behind. I’d say witch doctor might still be better due to it keeping up while everyone is playing DH. Even after the nerf when everyone thought the world was going to end. /Rolls eyes
The problem is that they did not reset the leaderboard. I think all the WD GR 150 clears were pre-nerf (patch 2.6.8). The nerf (no pet bonus) was several GRs worth of damage. Certainly someone may have cleared GR 150 since then but they must have had a faster time earlier in patch 2.6.8.