Button Configuration

It would be nice to allow us the opportunity to choose what each button does. It would be no different than Key Bindings on PC. I’m just looking for an opportunity to switch the shoulder and trigger buttons around. I have never found myself using the dodge function so the right analog is technically unused, I would love to change that. Allowing us to say use a channeling skill with the right analog stick when you have a channeling skill that requires aiming that skill would be awesome. Most console players are familiar with using the right analog for aiming anyway.

Just a simple request that you might want to consider for future patches or for Diablo 4. Just use your imagination as to how console players might want to take advantage of choosing their controller configuration. I personally use R2 for the one attack I’m going to use the most, It would be nice if L2 was used instead of R1 for another commonly used action. Left click to lock on.

The left analog aims while channeling, the same direction you would walk if you weren’t channeling. Making the right stick do the same would be pointless and just interfere with using the pad buttons to trigger skills.

You can also use elective mode setting to put any skill you want on any of the assignable skill buttons, even L2.

There are only 2 real very bad problems with console controls:

  1. You can’t remap the Archon skills at all for Wizards, or anything similarly locked down.
  2. The Nintendo Switch gamepad buttons are stupidly locked to the same button name as an Xbox/Windows gamepad but with different bad positions. The A button on the Switch controller is where the B button would be on Xbox/Windows, so often we “accept” things we mean to “cancel” and end up accidentally deleting something or another very frustrating thing.
    The developers REALLY need to fix that. That’s just obvious poor design to not anticipate less ergonomic use for a controller with a different layout.

I read an entire post that you commented on and I am entertained by you. You are closing your imagination bubble. It is a recommendation I’m not making a suggestion that should be viewed as concrete or perfectly implemented. I’d love a channeled skill on a wizard where I would still be mobile while channeling in a completely different direction I am moving. Obviously this wouldn’t work for a whirlwind barbarian except when using dust devils as you could potentially send them in a general direction.

In elective mode on the PS4 I cannot select anything for the L2 button. You play on the Switch or at least that’s my understanding, They might have made this change.

I’m aware of not changing the configuration while in Archon form. My solution was to change my configuration to compliment what I was doing in Archon form.

I have to agree on this point dodge is almost useless on console at least for PS4 players… this was suggested way before even seasons came to console. But I doubt it be change.

We consoles prefer to bind R3 (which is now dodge) since dodge is unused change R3 to L2. To please players button configuration… so if players used dodge just remain the same as we are, to other players they can switch R3 to L2. Please to all… Yes what you mention if R3 is enable

Now we can bind 6skills to 7buttons which we prefer I dun play much channel build but if rapid fire RF assuming is hold R2 I prefer R3 is vengeance instead of any button. Just hold your Ps4 controller & you see the difference :slight_smile: