Burning Crusades vs D2R release date

I have friends who are excited for both, I wonder how much time between the two are they gonna release them? I would hope at least 1 or 2month difference so people do not have to choose one over the other right away.
I would assume from a business point of view they smart enough to not release both same time?

Id guess theyd release with some time between em just for that reason, but qui sait?

Just offhand, any info on the BC release date? I plan on playing both personally, and IDC if
I have to split my game time between the two.

But thinking along the lines of Actiblizz, I doubt they’ll do them too close, it makes more business sense to spread them out a bit. technical sense as well…far easier to deal with one release at a time, and the normal dumpster fires that come with them.

Nothing offical yet. But we´re quit far into the beta and a prepatch should hit the servers in less than a month I assume.
Personally think TBC will release in June/July while D2R will follow sometime in autumn.

Makes sense. Appreciate the info!