Bul-Kathos Oath Set Bug

The two piece set bonus for the Bul-Kathos Oath set (twin mighty weapons) is not granting the 45% attack speed buff, I have tested it multiple times over multiple characters in every conceivable iteration of gameplay. It is granting the Fury generation and movement speed buff while whirlwinding, but the attack speed isn’t granted, I.E. my base attack speed is 1.97 main and off-hand before whirlwind, and during whirlwind it stays at 1.97, this is confirmed by the spawn rate for the dusts devils from the wastes set (they spawn at the same rate wether using BK-oath or not). This has severely handicapped the BK-Wastes barbarian in terms of damage output and I would greatly appreciate it getting looked at. (Screenshots will be provided when able at a later date)

Thanks for all the fish.

The 2 piece set is working and has been since they were introduced. The attack speed buff multiplicative and therefore will not be shown on the character stats.

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