Bugs that should be fixed

Hello Blizzard

These are my finds on bugs after playing a1-2 of the beta.
Some of the bugs i have also reported ingame, but i would rather it gets posted here as well, so i get a higher chance of someone seeing it!

But first i wanna say that the beta is fun! Amazing graphics and really beautiful artwork and zones. Very good job with it so far! And load times weren’t bad at all between zones.

Here is the list i wrote down while playing…


  • Writing game name, then pressing tab to switch to writing password doesn’t work
  • When changing direction (up/down) while moving to the sides, the camera stutters somewhat… could give plenty of headaches around the world…
  • Not able to press enter to create a game (so you have to move the mouse all the way down to ”create game”)
  • ”2 skill choises remaining”? Can you please call it ”skill points” like it is and always has been? Seems like a bug or miss
  • The cutscene between act 1 and 2 seemed a bit laggy or maybe running at lower fps or something
  • You can barely see the exits on the map between zones in hall of the deads 1-2-3… makes it really hard to spot the exit to lvl 2 fx. when looking on map
  • Games sometimes crashes when i press G to change between old and new graphics or when i press F to zoom in
  • When in a trade window, if you click on your equipped piece of equipment (armour, gloves etc.) and pick it up, it closes the trade window and your armour is still on mouse just ready to be dropped on the ground
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Yeah the exits not showing up on the map are a little annoying.

I am fortunate to have a ridiculous amount of game time and I know most of the map layouts and configurations, so I know where the exit is, but it is weird to not see the little purple doorway.

I am okay with it, but it will take me some getting used to.

The same is true with the Full Screen Map:

Another bug is that many times Alt key stops working while playing. I had to shut down and reload the game for it to start working again.