Bugged primary damage?


I’m playing a Demon Hunter on Xbox Series X and I think my damage is way higher than it should be. I’d like if someone could look into it for me and hopefully get it back to normal if possible.

I was trying to complete the season objective to extract a legendary power using Kanai’s Cube. I extracted a weapon power from a mace (unusable by my character) and the objective completed. I looked in my extracted powers and it wasn’t listed there. I googled around and confirmed I was looking in the right place. I figured it bugged out and extracted another power (this time for jewelry) and it showed up correctly and I was able to apply it.

I went to do a bounty and I realized I was one-shotting everything with my primary attack (hungering arrow). I thought maybe because I was in Tristram, the mobs hadn’t scaled or something. I set the difficulty to Torment IV and went to a boss and killed her in 4 shots with my primary attack. I confirmed my secondary attack seems to have normal damage.

What should I do? Is this fixable? I was going to try a different weapon to see if that fixes it, but I thought maybe Blizzard would want me to keep things as-is if they want me to test anything.