Bug: interaction of Furious Charge skill with Jailer affix

There seems to be a bug in the interaction of the Barbarian’s “Furious Charge” skill and the Elite “Jailer” affix. Something about Furious Charge causes Jailer to sometimes freeze you in place, even when it definitely shouldn’t.

It’s unclear what the intended interaction here is supposed to be. Leap breaks Jailer as soon as you cast it. Furious Charge will often move you around with the purple “jail” still around your character. That may be a bug, too, or it could be the intended way for it to work with Furious Charge. But, sometimes FC entirely fails to move you, and you stay stuck to the ground.

In this clip (above), I get jailed at 0:04, and cannot move, despite repeatedly pressing the Furious Charge key (which you can see on the skill bar). Even after activating Wrath of the Berserker, which gives CC immunity, and after the visual effect of the “Jail” has faded, I still remain stuck in place for about 2 seconds.

Here, I am using the Horde of the 90 Savages set, plus Oathkeeper, Azurewrath, Undisputed Champion, 2 pieces of Aughild set, and Endless Walk set. Cube is Bastion’s Revered, Depth Diggers, Ring of Royal Grandeur.

And in this clip (above), I get jailed at 0:03, and am unable to move with Furious Charge. Even after my Enchantress’s “Fate’s Lapse” (cheat death) ability triggers, which gives 1 second of damage and CC immunity, I still can’t move. At 0:17, I get jailed again, and the same thing happens.

Here, the gear I have equipped is 5 pieces Raekor set, 2 pieces Crimson set, 300th Spear, Arreat’s Law, 2 pieces Endless Walk set, Parthan bracers. In the cube, Furnace, Skular’s Salvation, and Ring of Royal Grandeur.

And, though I don’t currently have video of it, I’ve also experienced a similar interaction between Furious Charge and the Nightmarish affix, where I get stuck to the ground for an extended period of time (I have experienced this most often while playing H90 Frenzy and using FC: Merciless Assault to move around).


To give an idea of how obtrusive this bug is:

I think I’ve died more times while playing Raekor due to this bug than to all other causes put together.

It’s really bad!

A little update on this bug:

It seems to occur most frequently when alternating Furious Charge with another skill, in this case AS: Boulder Toss. If you are just Charge-ing around, it seems to happen infrequently, or maybe not at all.

Also, if your starting condition is “cc immune”, then you can’t get jailed. But the bug prevents things that give you CC immunity (like WOTB) from breaking the jail.

One more update on this bug, another thing that I noticed:

Often, while this bug is taking effect, not only will my character be stuck in place, but I also won’t be able to make any attacks, including ranged attacks, from the place where I am stuck.

For instance, while playing Raekor, I’ll get jailed, and when I try to use Boulder Toss or Weapon Throw, nothing will actually be thrown. My character will basically wave her arms like she’s trying to throw something, but nothing will come out.

The solution to all this nonsense seems pretty simple: anything having to do with Charge should completely nullify Jailer, just like Leap does. It should break the jail when you’re stuck, and block the jailer effect when you’re mid-charge.

This bug is terrible, it screws things up pretty severely for both Frenzy and Raekor. And while it’s bad enough for me, playing Softcore, I can’t imagine how crappy it is for Hardcore players- since it makes 2 of our 6 sets almost unusable in HC.