Buff Damage multipliers for strafe please

Hello, could you please give some love to the two strafe legendaries namely “valla’s bequest” and “k’mar tenclip”…

many years ago now Blizzard changed most of the old legendary item powers so that skill specific power multipliers were added to the orange text instead of a separate item roll and also had their power boosted by alot, but for some reason the two strafe weapons was forgotten about, and so it remains even to this day…

strafe is one of my favorite skills in the game but there is no pure build for it other than GoD but the damage doesnt come from strafe but rather your primary skills, if GoD was based on vault instead for example no one would ever use strafe…

the concept of LoD is one of the best sets in the game IMO because of the build diversity it offers but the only “good” LoD builds for strafe afaik is also not really a strafe build but dependant on fan of knives or spike traps to do damage…

you can ofcourse do a proper LoD build where strafe actually is your main source of damage but it quickly falls apart after torment 13 or so due to lack of damage mainly because insufficient damage multipliers on your weapons…

compare the two strafe weapons with the crusaders weapon and shield for condemn for example 75-100% + 75-100% vs 600-800% + 600-800% huge difference in power, and there are probably other skills with the exact same problem that would be good in a LoD setup if they had better multipliers…

please consider!