Bring back the real money auction house for D4!

Won’t happen, but I don’t mind making a couple hundred dollars for playing a game I enjoy. Never understood why people cried about it so much in D3.


Pay to win, there, you know why.


Need… Downvote… Button…!!!


Federal law pretty much killed it. That and the EU. You’ll never see anything like it in the west again.


Good god. This is literally the last thing I want to happen.
There are plenty of ways to monetize your playing of a game without making it pay-to-win.

The auction house (both gold and cash) were awful. And drove huge numbers of players away from d3 permanently


What exactly are they winning? Since when was Diablo a competitive game? Only people winning were the ones who managed to sell anything on the auction house.

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lol dumb… in so many ways

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No, i do not want another RMAH… I am all for trade, but keep it in game items/currency for in game currency/items.


I am actually agnostic to people who want to spend couple of hundred dollars or hard earned in-game currencies to become instantly awesome in a aRPG. What I am not okay is that the game is built around trading so much so that it is almost impossible to get the items and stats that I need for end game and hence have to resort to trading to earn currencies (real/virtual) and buy gears. I want to go out and fight mobs for loots. If I must do trading, I may as well play PoE?

Lol I cant comprehend how using in game currency translates to easy trade, and instant power gain… You still have to work for in game currency… Trading that currency for a single item is one option to gain that item. If you want drop rates to be the same as in D3, then you can have fun with your version of D4, however, i will not partake.

I found the RMAH been highly exploitable, I too didn’t mind it, however my friend whom has a way with his words explained that in these types of games it is important to;

Money is a resource and it drives the real world economy. You spend 79$ on Diablo, that money goes in hands of the people who created it.
Players is too, also a resource. And a very important resource too. If you severe the hardcore community (the people who are always online for you to engage in activities) than the game dies, this brings me to the second clause.

Hardcore players don’t like players forking down 300$ to instantly win the game because it downplays all their merit and achievements. It sounds like a negative connotation, however; it makes sense. People like having things that other people don’t. Its a natural feeling; IMO, it can lead to predatory practices (not claiming that activism has ever)

tbh, I don’t feel this way. But I do understand why people do. Thats why I’d not like to see the return of RMAH

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As someone that made over $250 from the RMAH in D3…

Hell. No.


You have to be a troll


No. I can’t believe someone actually wants this. You might as well say give me more bots.


I’d be fine with a gold auction house, but not a real currency auction house. Them trying to implement that did horrible things with itemization and drop rates in Diablo 3.

Let’s not repeat that mistake again.


Failtroll 0/10.

I’m sorry, but the Princess is in another castle. Come back next year.


So it lasted 1 year? Damn I really thought they were onto something. Sure its gonna be more interesting to hunt/grind items if they had some real value.

Should CDPR try it with Cyberpunk Online? Its kinda niche, hard to imagine Cyberpunk Online grows something big.

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The necromancer has arrived and is bringing back the dead from 2 years ago. Check the date next time. :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:


Why? Real money auction house is part of Diablo series. Im not trying to be dick here. I honestly thought this was the best direction. MMORPGs are nearly dead. Online is becoming more crowded and crowded. There gotta be something.

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RMAH was awful as the drop rates in the game were manipulated to encourage the AH use.