Bring back the D2 exploding potions

in Diablo 4 they should give us back the “hand grenade” potions and maybe due to human ingenuity we finally get primative black powder weaponry imagine a barb using a crude flintlock type of rifle etc


This is somethin’ new
The Casper Slide part 2
Featuring the Platnum Band
And this time we’re gonna get funky (funky)
Funky (funky)
Everybody clap your hands
Clap, clap clap, clap your hands
Clap, clap clap, clap your hands
Alright we gonna do the basic steps

To the left
Take it back now y’all
One hop this time
Right foot let’s stomp
Left foot let’s stomp
Cha cha real smooth

Turn it out
To the left
Take it back now y’all
One hop this time
Right foot let’s stomp
Left foot let’s stomp
Cha cha now y’all
Now it’s time to get funky

To the right, now
To the left
Take it back now y’all
One hop this time, one hop this time
Right foot two stomps
Left foot two stomps
Slide to the left
Slide to the right
Criss cross, criss cross
Cha cha real smooth

Let’s go to work

To the left
Take it back now y’all
Two hops this time, two hops this time
Right foot two stomps
Left foot two stomps
Hands on your knees, hands on your knees
Get funky with it

Ahh yeah, come on!

Cha cha now y’all
Turn it out

To the left
Take it back now y’all
Five hops this time (pop it out now)
Right foot let’s stomp
Left foot let’s stomp
Right foot again
Left foot again

Right foot let’s stomp
Left foot let’s stomp
Everybody clap your hands
Come on y’all
Check it out y’all
How low can you go?
Can you go down low?
All the way to the floor
How low can you go?
Can you bring it to the top?
Like you never never stop?
Can you bring it to the top, one hop

Right foot now
Left foot now y’all
Cha cha real smooth
Turn it out
To the left
Take it back now y’all
One hop this time
One hop this time

Reverse, reverse
Slide to the left
Slide to the right
Reverse, reverse
Cha cha now y’all, cha cha again
Cha cha now y’all, cha cha again
Turn it out

To the left
Take it back now y’all
Two hops two hops
Two hops two hops
Right foot let’s stomp
Left foot let’s stomp
Charlie brown
Pop it out now
Slide to the right
Slide to the left
Take it back now y’all
Cha cha now y’all

Oh yeah, mhmm
Yeah (yeah) do that stuff (do it)
Oh yeah (yeah)
I’m outta here y’all, peace! (peace!)

I’m in for that. Unlimited quivers and unlimited weapon throw became a bit too boring after a while. Besides throwing potions, throwable knives, flying axes and limited quivers were nice to have and created some diversity to limit ranged classes.
Neither Diablo 2, nor Diablo 3 got a nice balance between ranged and melee combat, so I’m in for restricting or limiting some of the resources that ranged classes can possess.

There are explosive traps and contraptions that Assassiner and Demon Hunters can setup. However, if such explosives were to be introduced again it shouldn’t be part of general progress.
Back in Diablo 2, Fulminating potion and Poison Gas potions were only mere tools to deal damage at Normal only and above that difficulty, they’re just mere utility tools to cause some stagger on monster groups so you can wail upon them. Their damage must be range between absolute variables and never should scale upwards.

Barbarians are not Dwarves… This is nothing different than “give Sonic a gun” meme, which sorta became true when Shadow the Hedgehog get his own shooter game. Maybe you’re trying to stir up discussion, but this is trying too hard.

We don’t care. This is the D3 forum.

They should make an Alchemist class for that.

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then allow me to reiterate my OP

this was not a suggetion for D2R its about D4

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I remember the question of guns came up when D3 was in developement, i think around when the DH was introuced. And one of the lore guys shared a story why it’s not going to hapen. Long story short, there was a crazy barbarian alchemist, who was experimenting whit a non magickal material that can explode when ignited. But one of his experiment went wrong and blew himself and the cave he was working in up. So the knowledge was lost to the world of Sanctuary forever.

yeah but since when has Blizzard ever let a lore inconsistency get in their way? sunwalker pallies said hi

Even if Diablo 4 did bring back exploding potions, they’re not going to have much use, especially in endgame, if they’re generic type items available to all classes. As already stated, the only way you’ll see an explosive wielding build being viable, would be if they brought in an alchemist (something similar).

that would work in a DLC patch

I like the idea of multiple different “potions.” Effectiveness is a concern, but they could have “levels” to make them grow with the character, but this also has disadvantages.

The more variety of loot the better I feel. Makes it more like a real RPG and not a limited treasure pool of eventual boredom.