Bring back proper ultrawide support in D2 Resurrected

what are y’all talking about “not having black bars gives advantage in pvp”…?
switches to new graphics - no more black bars…
They are only in the crappy legacy mode… which they should make run at least as good as PoD/PD2.

If u need anything more wide than what the NEW D2R graphics (no black bars) are showing, then I disagree.

Are you serious? The issue is literally in the name of the thread. ULTRAWIDE. You must be trolling.

Care to elaborate? Or do you disagree strictly because the black bars don’t affect your experience? If I don’t play on uw then I’ll play on my Asus 360 herts monitor that’s sitting beside my uw. Do you have either of those monitors? If not, I’ll have an advantage over you either way. Do you have 1.5g internet? If not, guess what… Should everyone be forced to play with a higher ping to compensate for those who can’t afford good internet?

Edit: I removed the unnecessary toxicity. I’m going to try and be more civil in this thread :slight_smile:

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I strongly agree. The game has never been balanced in general. That’s probably why they added enigma so other classes could be viable mfing. I think the pvpers fighting against uw need to get their priorities straight. Uw players (who actually pvp) will be such a small demographic in the scheme of things. They should focus their attention on botting which will actually ruin the game. Blizzard handled botting in classic wow terribly, and that game costs 15$ a month to play. How do they think botting will be handled in a buy to play game with no sub…

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Actually pvp is way more popular in this game… And ultrawide breaks it. Would love it too but the advantage it gives is just unfair.

That’s a fair point (besides the whole pvp being popular bit). This is why I’m hoping blizzard only forces the black bars when pvp is enabled. That way everyone wins. If I get hostiled the bars pop up on my screen and the same if I hostile someone.


Yeah, this would be good for both groups. Honestly don’t mind forced aspect ratio in PvP. Fortnite for example does this with competitive mode. Seems like a fair tradeoff

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Yeah, I honestly don’t mind any of the suggestions made. Well, all the ones that remove the bars. As long as I can utilize my whole monitor I’ll be happy. My second monitor is technically better than my uw, but it’s hard to go back to 16:9. Regardless, I’m going to play this game. I booked time off work for it lol.

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So if a pvp player out of nowhere joins the game every ultrawide player is supposed to live with black bars, even if the pvp player never leaves town. Sounds like a neat way to troll players don’t you think?

If you want to invade random public games to PVP with people, you are at their turf and should not restrict their gameplay any more than you already are by attacking them. PVP players usually have good gear and is tuned to fighting other players. Is it fair attacking players who are not geared and are maybe even struggling to PVE? This type of PVP is not balanced in anyway so I don’t see any good reason to restrict aspect ratio whenever someone decides to invade your game and attack you.

If you want balanced PVP you just join PVP games that are restricted by your own aspect ratio.

Honestly didn’t think of the trolling. I Play hc and pks are typically rare. Once someone hostiles the party everyone just goes to town and waits for buddy to leave. I assume it’s a lot more common on sc.

I intend to play in the original 4:3 ratio 800x600 therefore 16:9 should be banned as well.


I would even accept every possible combination of the following points

  • Making spells only go as far as 16:9
  • Adding a button inside of the multiplayer menu to allow aspect ratios.
  • Allow toggle option upon game creation for UW support
  • Limit spell casting to 16:9
  • Force black bars on players with UW upon hostility (which is the best part, instant town)
  • Auto set monster aggro to used resolution (would be difficult, I assume)

Don’t get me wrong - I will definitly play D2R, doesn’t matter if UW will be supported, PVP even more broken, or Ploot will exist.
I still really hope for local MP & UW Support as far as possible

Great, a blue Blizzard guy finally writes something and then it’s all about ladder. Not a single word on ultrawide. That really can’t be true. BLIZZARD what’s the point? Come on please at least tell us how to go on with the ultrawide problem.


Most of the people I killed in the original I couldn’t even see.

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PvP players are niche. And UW users even more niche, so it shouldn’t be an issue.

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This is the reason I haven’t pre-ordered. Won’t be playing if there is no UW support.


Exactly. If UW is so niche, then why are you so worried about it “Destroying PvP”. Id reckon UW PvP’ers would be a much smaller crowd. BTW you can see hostile players on the map much farther away than an Ultrawide user can see you. Whats the advantage really…? Especially when everyone is tele’ing and charging around. D2pvp is so fast, and extra 20% viewing distance wont make the slightest difference.

You guys should be more worried about botters, item buyers, and jsp’ers than the theoretical hardcore PvP ultrawide player.

Not allowing it actively ruins my experience and others, when it only theoretically might hurt yours.

When all is said and done, Blizzard hasnt had the decency to even communicate with us on this issue yet. And that, my friends, no matter what side of the argument you are on, is straight BS.


nobody will exploit that it will take you like 10x the time it’s a lot faster to just run and kill therefor your argument is still wrong

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(post deleted by author)

that video is not valid any more it’s from the alpha and most of those issues have been fixed a long time ago so stop crying about it and posting so i recommend you delete your misinformation post asap its trolling. And btw every one can kill mosters off screen even in 4:3 mode