Bounty in Briarthorn Rathma's Gift doesn't count 5th prison

Bounty in Briarthorn Cemetry Rathma’s Gift will not close and count one death prison after it is gone off screen. I tried to go to town and to another bounty and come back still will not count the final death prison. It has happened 3 separate times after resetting bounties. Adventure mode, private game, master setting. I can not link the imgur like it says to do. I tried all the different links.

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It is a long standing Bug that a part of a multiple target quest will stay lit after it is cleared and an arrow will still point to it. It can be confusing on large maps, like Blood&Iron in Dalgur or Rathma in Briarthorn.
The last one is often hiding in a far corner of the map even though an arrow still points to one that was cleared.
It also happens with Catapults in Stonefort, but that is a linear map and less confusing.
Briarthorn has two sections connected by a narrow path. It is very unusual for all of the Death Prisons to be in only one of the sections.