Bonus damage to elites, why so rare?

I wondered why this stat is so rare on weapon? It’s rarity is like it would be +50% damage, but it is only 8. How top players managed to roll this stat especially on weapons instead damage? Were they extremely lucky or did they just reroll stat thousands times spending billions of gold? It seems impossible to me to roll it on pig sticker instead of weapon damage. This stat should have same weight as the others like cdr and so on.

Yeah, people spend billions of gold and thousands of materials to roll that.


Gears has rarity weight and so does stats. + Elite damage or reduction is amongst the rarest weight.

Keep rolling. Billions gold is only few cents consider how easy to get trillions of gold in this game.


i officially give up, it is impossible to get this stat for normal people, one reroll cost me now as much money as you can get in vault. I will need 1000, 2000 maybe 3000 rerolls to get this stat on one f*cuking weapon. That is 1000-3000 vaults. Just for nolifers. This game can always surprise me with stupid mechanics.

I was wrong, i will need quadrillion of money to get this stat.

I think there are sheets out there for you to have an idea about how rare the affixes are on re-rolls. Increased damage against Elites and 40% bleeding chance on hit, are pretty rare to reroll on weapons as I remember.

explosions and elemental floorpatches are way more damaging to me, then the total of elites per rift, on average.
-and there’s only 1 or 2 immunities possible against those, at the price of a non-optimal build…

Don’t think of it that way. Think of it in terms of how long you have to spend with your zdps build with the death’s breath-doubling sage set and maxed Boon of the Hoarder gem in an Avarice Band on t16 normal rifts.

Secondly, as “the top players” tend to spend a lot of time, they have likely found a few dozen versions of acceptable weapons they can use, each of which is basically a reset button on cost. Hell, one season, my main weapon just fell into my lap with that stat. In fact, it was so perfect that I just rerolled the max damage on the thing.

Finally, if it really is that rare, it’s still unlikely that many of “the top players” have it. I don’t pay attention to that stat, as unless I’m shooting for gr150, which I will never do, I’m not going to break down the minutia of exactly how to max every aspect of my character. It’s just not worth it and, as you have mentioned, it’s not fun. They’ll change an item and I’ll have to rethink everything.

Wait until you get a primal with one stat you don’t really need.

NS I have a stashed Primal Yang’s Recurve - it was my 2nd one and dropped with Dex/Vit/10%/12 Disc (would have been perfect if rolled IAS instead of Vit and eventually allowing me to roll off Dex)

rolled the vit 3 times on it and got BvE so I kept it. My first one is equipped and I rolled vit to CDR (since missing on my DML) but can change that to IAS if needed. Won’t touch the one with BvE because I know how rare it is…and just swap between the two depending on what I’m running.

At least with a primal you aren’t worried about a troll roll (like 5% IAS or 6% CDR or the low end of the roll spectrum).

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Primal weapons for me are harder to get than rolling the elite affix :grin:

Well, yeah, there is that caveat :slight_smile:

TBH this season took me til nearly 800 paragon to get first ancient Yang to drop. RNG has not been especially good to me this season.

This is why you are having such a hard time. You’re rerolling the most heavily weighted affix against (one of?) the least heavily weighted affix.

As for why weighting exists, there’s a small amount of progression involved. You might go through a few items before you find your ideal one.

But more importantly, elite damage isn’t all that valuable compared to weapon damage for the vast majority of the time. Weapon damage almost always rolls and elite damage rarely rolls. Think how annoying would it be if 50% of weapons did almost no damage unless equipped by one particular class-set?

Might be worth thinking about how this roll is worth less than a GRs worth of damage. Obviously it is worthwhile for pushing, but it’s hardly noticeable otherwise.

Good luck!

Back in the days of early ROS, this affix was really strong and super rare to get (back in that time furnace had a different effect to the 50% elite damage we have nowadays). That is the reason because this affix was super rare to spawn.

Yeah the RNG of getting primal that you want be like…


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