Bone Skewer challenge not popping

Playing on my new Switch and getting close to claiming the Trag’Oul wings, but this achievement is holding me back.

I’ve tried now on campaign and adventure mode. I’ll go to a dense area, round up a few dozen mobs, and then hit them with Bone Spear. (I’ve even gone so far as to strip out all other damage abilities just to play it safe.) I’ll get massacres of 60+ but so far the challenge hasn’t registered. Is there a known issue? Only certain kinds of mobs count? (Do the bugs in Ruins of Corvus not count?)

Laughing at myself now and posting an update in case it helps anyone else. I created a new (seasonal) necro, leveled him to 5, jumped to adventure/normal and went to Ruins of Corvus. Got the challenge on the first try.

For future reference: area damage can sometimes mess up achievements like this.

Basically, if area damage triggers on the first couple enemies hit, you might end up killing the majority of enemies with area damage instead of hitting them with Bone Spear. Just because you got a 60+ massacre doesn’t mean Bone Spear hit and killed all 60 enemies, area damage probably took care of a decent chunk of those.

It’s usually a good idea to remove all your area damage before trying achievements like this.