Blog post thoughts

Thanks Nevalistis. The numbers just seem very odd to me. I can see that barbs would be similar to wizards; however, the similarity to witch doctors in terms of power is surprising.

EDIT: The numbers presented can not be right. Specifically look at the projected performance of 5K paragon players in seasons versus non-seasons. This season the buff was very powerful, yet you have witch doctors losing 10 GRs in their ability to solo clear GRs in seasons (120) in comparison to non-season (130).

In addition to the American region data that included several metrics including GR efficiency, I also looked at the worldwide data for top 200 clears (US/EU/AS/China combined). I posted this awhile ago on the forum.

As I noted, the data analyzed has several limitations and I fully appreciate it.

Irrespective of the metric (region/worldwide, top clears, stratified by paragon), I have never seen that Barbs and WDs are roughly equivalent in terms of solo power in era 12.

My suspicion is that the difference in my analysis and the blog post must relate to the 'list of records generated by region" and/or how the data was scaled. Of course, this assume that some trivial error was not made in the data analysis. I guess this will be one of those things that are behind a curtain of proprietary information.

I do a lot of data analytics/statistics in real-life on large datasets and I can’t reconcile Blizzard’s and my numbers. Usually, distinct analytic methodologies even with marginal changes give similar results with recognition that they won’t be identical.