BlizzConline 2021 Pre-Show Welcome

Are they still desiging the game with PVP in mind?
Would be awesome to hear more about PVP.


After reading most posts, I get why the pricing for cosmetics is what it is. It’s not as bad as it appeared initially. Basically, what I get from it is that if you want the whole shebang pack like you would under a non-COVID situation in person or with a Virtual ticket you are paying close to the ticket attendance price.
It’s actually a little less. If someone only wants a taste of the cosmetics they pay less. I do agree that it would be more efficient to allow per-game cosmetics but perhaps if they did that, then they’d possibly have to charge the price of everything anyway.

Because it’s themed and you can select whichever game (or all of them) that anyone wishes to focus on, with day two, then at a guess, they would have multiple panels to handle the Q&A for each game. I cannot see one panel handling every game when there are different devs for each game. As for the how, they’ll possibly say that at some point you’d think.

they are not really designing it with pvp in mind so much, they will just kinda allow pvp. not having pvp in mind when creating the rest of the game if it makes sense

I really hate the fact you curate the questions now. Q&A use to be great because we got to ask you the tough questions. Now you only answer the questions you want to answer, as oppose to what the community wants you to answer.

Why would there be need for a Lightning Hydra if you already have a Fire Hydra, etc? That’s because you are thinking from a D3 perspective where we have the different skill runes applying different elemental damage.

Luckily, D4 doesn’t have a skill rune system (although I won’t be surprised to see a lot of former skill runes come back as a legendary effect :grinning:).

The one thing D4 nailed already is applying the right elemental damage to it’s skills from what we could see already from the skill trees. It feels logical/“realistic”/whateveryouwannacallit.
Just look at the barb. Everything is physical damage which is logical, being sliced open by an axe is phyical not lightning…

Now… elemental damage applied on weapons is a whole different discussion.
We already saw a weapon (Sunder) that changed the physical damage from Upheaval to fire.
This can only be good if fire damage (in general) has something unique to it like DoT. Otherwise the weapon is a waste of a slot. If I do 100 physical damage with Upheaval, why do I want to use this weapon as it gives the same damage but in fire and nothing else? I better use a weapon that has other affixes then.

Because Lightning Hydra works differently than Frost Hydra or Fire Hydra.

  • Lightning Hydra never misses, but deals less damage.
  • Fire Hydra shoots Fire Bolts tha t deal higher damage (that eventually even can do a small AoE on impact), but it does not always hit.
  • Frost Hydra breathes a cone of frost.

And again, the Sorceress is a master of Elements.
That is why.

For an Elemental Spell Caster that makes perfect sense.

And whom said that you can not have skill-changing Keystone Upgrades (aka real Runes, nut just runes that give your War Cry 20% increased resistances) in combination with a Point-based Skill Upgrade System?

It would be terrible to put skill-specific bonuses as special affixes on legendaries and runes, because it either reduces item diversity, or it will make your skill missing out on something if you don’t wear that specific legendary, due to there being better ones, but still it will feel that your skill is mising something cool you may wnat.

Better to put skill changing effects on a Last Epoch-like Skill System where each Skill has its own Skill Tree, and then you can unlock “Keystone” Upgrades for several points at once that change the skill drastically.

The Sorceress may can change the Elemental Type of her Skills without spending points (still as a permanent or semi-permanent choice), as a Unique Class Mechanic, because it totally fits her theme as a Master of Elements.

Suggesting that the Sorc could have Unique Class Mechanic that allows her to adjust the Elemental Damage of her Spells is not that same as suggesting that the Barbarian and all other classes should do that as well, or that physical skills should transform their damage into Lightning, Cold, Arcane, Poison etc.

I also did not like that in D3 even the physical attack classes were transforming all of their physical damage into another element.

However, again, this makes perfect sense for the Sorc as a Master of Elements (and transmutation).

Which is an effect that should be as a “Keystone” Upgrade / Major Upgrade on Upheaval itself, which you can unlock for x Upheaval-specific Skill Points.
Maybe it would 30% of your Physical Damage into Fire, or maybe 50%, or 75% or even 100% (though, I personally think that 33% or 50% is enough, so that it still remains a Physical Skill) and it also could leave scorched earth on the ground.

That also leaves more room for another weapon of your choice.

Imagine you wanna play a Fire Upheaval build, but the weapon that turns Upheaval into a Fire Skill is not one of the better weapons you have available.

Now you have to gimp down your build just play the build you wanna play. Or you use one of the better weapons you have, but then you would miss out on turning Upheaval into a Fire Skill.

That’s the guy who left Blizzard many years ago only to recently return and ruin Blizzard.

Yup, that’s Alken.

Blizzard are moving in the right direction in the recent years. Their interaction with the player base regarding D4 feedback shows this. They started valuing their player base opinion much more than in the past.

That said, I have no idea what Allen did.

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Careena Kingdom - Lead Animator for Diablo IV was in the welcome clip.

  • What exactly does the animator do?
    • Does she bring the art to life?

While I dont think we should really be able to easily change the dmg types of skills;
The reasons for changing dmg types would generally be 1) to overcome monsters resistances, and 2) gearing for one dmg type is easier

Still, imo, a fireball should be a fireball, dealing fire dmg.
Skills could definitely have skill upgrades for changing their dmg type though. It would come at the cost of having to spend skill points on it, so it might end up weaker than otherwise => balancing the extra flexibility it offers.


Sure. Could definitely be a class mechanic.
Imo, while sorceress is a master of elements, it is also kinda the master of specialized elements. Such as 3 separate skill trees in D2.
Could also be a class mechanic for another class. A spellcaster that mixes elements freely, or a hunter/rogue that enhances their weapons with different dmg types etc.
Although it might be quite overpowered if enemies have resistances.

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What is your source? Last Blizzcon they said they are doing everything with PvP in mind.

They wont balance anything in the game for pvp or make any pvp arenas (YET)…they simply will allow you to opt-in for pvp while in certain areas, does not speak much for making the game with pvp in mind.

Tim: Big question around PvP. We mentioned that it will be in the game. People are curious, though. What does that do to Balance? Are we going to have separate rules for PvP? Is this going to affect the Balance of the PvE experience? That is a tricky question.

David: That is a great question, I think, because many people must have noticed that we have the same source of skills, same talents, and same items in both PvP and PvE. So I guess that is a natural question that you would ask. Right? But our goal is to have enough choices and options available for players; and what that means, I think, is the best skills, the best talents, and the best items in PvP would be very different from the set of skills, items, and talents in PvE that are the best.

So the current plan is to make sure to locate issues as they arrive, and strategically make the right tuning choices to make balance good in both formats. Right? So every balance probably is so different. So we will have to see what the problem is, and then fix it that way; but we will have enough tuning nobs across these three systems to be able to balance tune properly.

What ?

Let’s see :

  1. BfA - Pathetic
  2. Blizzcon Diablo Immortal “Donwacha have phone?!”
  3. Warcraft 3 : Reforged - Pathetic
  4. Focus on Mobile games instead of their Loyal Fan Base - Nothing wrong with Mobile Games, but … do so that your Fan Base who supported you from the beginning, are not feeling …left behind.
  5. 800 or so people who they were fired. France studio is being closed down this year (?). All this just to get better in the eyes of the investors when the quarter reporters are … coming.

I’m sure there are some more ( Hong Kong ? ). And all this just in the last 3 years my friend, 3 years.

Now, what … recent years are you talking about again?

Many of the same people who were venting in 2018 are now loving D:I in 2021.

Did you miss this?

Did you miss this?

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I’m also looking forward to see how “alive” they make this BIG open world MMO style game as in how interactive it is with NPC’s and small towns spread throughout the continents, side quests, world events, open world bosses, player interactions etc. Will there be rare spawns such as for mounts similar to mount farming in WoW and low drop rate mounts from bosses etc.

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Here’s a useful resource I just made:

This contains the embedded videos below and their automatically generated captions (via YouTube speech recognition technology), which you can easily browse for reference.

For example, if you type “paragon” in your browser text search function you’ll see it appearing 4 times and you can quickly jump to the respective minute in the videos.

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I hope give us some better examples of music and what they’re inspired by when making it. I’d love a panel on sound and music alone

:point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

We realize many of you are curious about different aspects of the development process—some of you love reading and re-reading lore, while others of you may geek out over item tooltips or want to hear some early music tracks. So be sure to tell us what excites you most! Our goal for these updates is to cover a wide variety of subjects and, over the course of development, share something exciting for everyone.

I would rather see the new classes, gameplay footage, more information on endgame content and more world and lore.

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