Blizzcon will be better than it has been in like 10 years

Sure. Until you start being constructive and explain why from your pov it is a “mess with poor graphics” you will be getting only opinions and comments without reasoning.

I can say now the Earth is FLAT. Ha!

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It’s my subjective opinion. Why should I explain it to you?
If your opinion is that the earth is flat - then so be it. I don’t care what you think.

I am fine with that.

Then why you post at all?

Because it’s a forum where people explain themselves to have a discussion with others. Or your browser is malfunctioning again and you are seeing something else instead of a forum?


It wasn’t…

Funny way to spell “Blizzard”. Don’t pull the boogey man for a 28 years old company, let them take responsibility for their slip ups.

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I’d call them EA but that might be confusing. Activision is the second worst insult I can think of that is allowed on the forums.

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Shadows and lighting are so well done in Diablo 4. This was one of the first things I immediately noticed from the demo. Great job Diablo 4 team!

Sry, lightning and shadows are outdated on this screenshot.

There is no real time lightning of your character (no light reflection of your spells as lightsource), no real time shadowing into the dark by lightning sources.
Since this year, state of art in lightning ist raytracing, in 2022 in release, raytracing is state of art for all games thanks to new console generation.

Diablo 4 looks fine, for a 2019 release, but not up to date for 2019.
In 2022 it will heavily out dated .

We are still in 2019, you know?

And I agree raytracing allows for more realism, but Diablo 4 already looks great. They are doing exceptional job with the atmosphere in this game.

Fix’d for ya

20 chars

It looks amazing, I just know theyve been working on it for a few years and just now revealing it…and still have a few more… :frowning: thats what saddens me most.

I finally got my gf into the series, we were up for 4 hours playing and its so much fun and she likes the story/lore.

I told her how long blizzard can take and shes like :rage::crying_cat_face::scream_cat: because she wants to play it soon too

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Yep, game is 10/10 for me visual/graphic/atmoshpere and combat/gameplay related.

Bring it on boys! Bring us D4!!!

I just got my gf into the game, she wanted to learn the lore/story to the sereies and watch videos on youtube, and now her and I have been playing diablo a few hours a day now, shes so syked for d4.

I am so excited, im 30, acting like a kid!

A very nice gallery here:


This thread didn’t age so well. BlizzCon 2019 was by far the worst BlizzCon ever :slight_smile: They did well making Diablo Immortal look good in comparison

Maybe for you but it’s not the case with others.

Last year, everything blew up over Diablo Immortal. Trailers were downvoted into the ground, forums were red hot with rage, Blizzard were mocked relentlessly via memes. The only defenders were the shill gaming journalists.

This year, it’s not even close. D4 was generally well received. Scepticism over some certain design choices, sure. Questions over whether they can deliver, sure. But it’s hardly the worse showing ever.

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It was objectively the worst ever.

Blizzard is being mocked by the Diablo community right now as well, it’s just shills defending them.

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