BlizzCon Virtual Ticket Giveaway!

With BlizzCon 2019 on the horizon, we are giving away 10 BlizzCon Virtual Tickets to the DiabloFans community, courtesy of Blizzard!


Even more free V-tickets.

Why there’s a “giveaway” to start with? :thinking: I don’t remember such thing at previous years. Their VT sales dropped drastically :money_mouth_face: or they’re trying to gauge the fanbase support after the recent debacle?


Don’t read too much into it, this is typical each year, I received a free ticket from WestMarch Workshop a few years ago. This is not a Blizzard conspiracy, if you are not interested, that’s fine. :sunglasses: I have supported WestMarch Workshop from the first show, Nineball is one cool guy. If I have any lore questions he is my source. If he wants to pass along free tickets, good for him. :+1::+1::+1:

PS: most of the players I know from YouTube, Podcasts and twitch, do not come to this forum.

Yeah, WWorkshop giveaway is a thing alright. However I don’t remember a giveaway from “diablofans”, a site that is left in the damp cold by Blizzard to shutdown and re-open, now giving away 10 tickets. Meh… I may try my luck if I can schedule things right by the time of Blizzcon. I don’t wanna pay for VT this year to face a hype train crash again.

This is normal for Blizz in the run up to Blizzcon. They give a fair amount of VTs out to websites and streamers. It helps those folks draw some new viewers, and also helps promote the event. I suppose that is a win for everyone?

In addition to DiabloFans and WWM, Quin69 has a couple, Wowhead has some, and so do lots of other places.

If you Google “Blizzard Virtual Ticket Giveaway” you will find links going back years from various sites. Even media gets some. Gamespot, PCgamer, etc. They get batches of between 15 and 50 tickets apparently? Or they have in past years anyway.

Keep that hype train chuggin’ Av!

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A chance for a free ticket and you are still at it. :sob:

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I wonder how the virtual ticket will work this year. Will Blizzard be able to find an angle that doesn’t show any protesters or Hong Kong support?

Depends on if the the people in charge of the con or the people in charge of the people in charge of the con are the ones deciding what message gets displayed.

If was a con running person I wouldn’t get rid of anything unless it was super egregious. Like letting all the Meis in. But not having “boycott Blizzard” signs.

I’m not an expert in PR or anything but I do know the Streisand effect is a thing.

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Well, last year’s message for Blizzcon was “#### you guys and your Personal Computers, we are making mobile games now.”


TYVM to WestMarch Workshop for my free V-Ticket tonight. :+1::+1::+1::+1: