Blizzard's Greed Losing China

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Tencent replacement for Blizzard’s WoW vacancy in China.

Hah yeah I saw this. How hilarious would it be if it ends up being better than wow.

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It’s for adults… not even in the same frikin league.

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They with dealing with china, what did they think was going to happen?
Maybe now they can stop making compromises and garbage games trying to appease then.


People said that Tarisland copied the Deathwing and dubbed it “Deathwong” but the short dragon battle in the trailer was extremely beautiful and great.

Like what for example?

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Looks like the writing was on the wall in china for a while, for Tarisland to be as far along as it appears. If “Deathwang” wasn’t blatant enough the backdrop is literally “not stormwind”…the two scenes are too identical for them to not want the direct comparison. It’s the “tasty-Os” of WoW.