Please nerf Inna's and Wave of Light monk

I would imagine because monk has faster clear time at 150 currently.

If there’s a clearly overpowered outlier, you fix it by nerfing it down to match other top builds.

Nerfs are a good idea when properly used. They are in fact a necessity for the overall balancing.

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  1. In non season (which is what matters here, because season buffs should not be taken into consideration for balance), Inna is a better speed run/XP set and a better trash killer. As a matter of fact, in non season inna monk + barb can do 150 2p fairly consistently, which is not the case for wizard+barb.
  2. Wizard definitely also needs a nerf.

Wizard definitely also needs to be left alone…no nerf.


Inna is really powerful and OP!

Wudijo just finish GR140 with only 13K Dex and only 2 legendary gems, Trapped and Enforcer.

Just wait a few months and nerf will happen, you’ll see.

I feel it’s too late to do that because it would just give the pre-nerfed innas players far too much of an advantage.

Ppl called for nerf on wizz aswell. Monk have faster clear and have clears on lower paragon than wizz. On maxroll monk is ranked higher than wizz on everything except rgk and TK.

It seem ppl want both wizz and monk nerfed.

oh no no no, leave monk alone


Why nerf any character? HOw does another character and its strength harm you and your play? Jealous? Make a monk and go join the fun.


It makes the hardest challenge too ez for alot of ppl. And since ppl want a challenge a nerf would make sense. GR150 was suppose to be the ultimate goal and blizzard wanted it to be barely doable if not even impossible. Also ppl want the classes to be balanced so that every class would be considered viable.

Imagine if your build was pet gargantuan witch doctor and you wanted to join public greater rift games. No one will invite you or join your game

WDs will not get in better position, regardless of what build is nerfed. Based on your example all class builds should be nerfed to the WD level. Low preforming duilds should be buffed, not high preforming ones nerfed.

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WD are TK though and that is thx to the BS nerf. It makes more sense to nerf a overperforming build then to buff every other builds. Otherwise the game will just become easier and easier since they wont increase gr further than 150

They can increas the difficulty of every level tho. AND BUFF WDs!!!

We all know, whats gonna happen:
Monk will shine this season, maybe next season and then get the nerf, just like GoD DH got and the Necro, too and I guess every class from time to time.

I am curious, if the next buffed class is the WD, since he seems to underperform for al loooong time.

Just my 2 cents.

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Because D3 has extreme power creep and the more stuff we buff the worse it gets.

I was surprised to see how strong Monks were, that 5x buff to fire Mystic Allies from the bracers is crazy, in a good way. What I’m not surprised to see, is that there exists a stupid thread like this because of it…because of course there is.

Glad I don’t play that often anymore, god nerfs constantly get obnoxious and old. That nerf to Necros was disgusting, and they have been my favorite class for a few years now but I had no desire to play them this season because they’re seeming pretty behind to me, especially if I want to play some sort of Pestilance or Mage build. So instead I went back to Barb my original main that I haven’t played in some years, and from there to Monk which I also haven’t played in quite awhile.

Wish people would stop whining for nerfs all the time.


Lol? No they cant increase the difficulty. They would need to do a total remake of the scaling if they did. And it still wouldnt solve the problem that a build is overperforming compare to the other builds. Nerf increase the difficulty for that specific build.

Isn’t this where creativity comes into play? Most of you are really smart with putting together great builds… me not so much so I follow set builds. Create something that works for you. I just hate seeing characters getting nerfed to appease some. Can one not weaken the builds on their own if its too strong for them? Maybe not use all the pieces?

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How does that fix the issue that 1 class having builds which is stronger than the other classes builds?
U cant enjoy the build if its “only” as strong as the other top tier builds?
And why should gr150 be ez? If u find it find it fun to play without 6 piece set bonus u wouldnt mind if we nerf the 6 piece.