Update 11/12/21: for the 2nd half of the PTR, the nerfs to 2 piece and 6 piece are reverted. But, 6 piece no longer works with pets, meaning Images Firebird is toast (Twister Firebird will still be OP as hell on console).
This means that Firebird is basically becoming focused on the “Flame Blades” build, which is probably ~10 tiers weaker than the current Images build. So, the magnitude of the overall nerf to this set remains the same, or is possibly even increased a little (from around 9 tiers to around 10).
Expect to see top clears in the next era in the low-mid 140’s, with high paragon.
A good thing for Blizz to do at this point would be to double the 2 piece or 6 piece bonus (to 6000 or 10000%, respectively) in order to make this build feel powerful without being OP.
Better still would be to revert this nerf to Images, and rework Deathwish instead.
First, a disclaimer:
I mostly play Barb. I don’t even play Wizard. So I’m not writing this for my own benefit… I just don’t like seeing an interesting thing discarded in the dirt.
How powerful is Firebird now, really?
The lowest paragon I can find in Non-Season for a Firebird 150 clear is in the 8k range, and of these, the most impressive is the clear by NotLikeThis on the EU board, in 12:11, with 8431 paragon.
Let’s assume that the time required for each consecutive GR level would scale up by 17%. Of course, this is not actually the case, since factors like AD and Stricken mitigate this time increase, but with this build, it’s relatively accurate, since AD is not used, and Stricken really only applies a time saving during the boss fight.
So, 12:11 is 731 seconds. 731 * 1.17 = 855.
A greater rift is 900 seconds long, maximum, for a success.
Obviously, he could have cleared 151, if such a level existed, under the timer.
855 seconds * 1.17 = 1000 seconds, which is well above the 900 second time limit, but, who knows, maybe 152 would be possible too. So let’s say 151-152 is near the limit for an excellent player with 8.4k paragon.
With a 9 tier nerf, this would be reduced to 142-143 at 8.4k, about 1 GR stronger at 10k (GR 143-144), and maybe 2-3 GRs weaker at 5k, (GR 140-141). To do 150 post-nerf, you’d probably need something like 156000 mainstat (assuming the 8.4k clear was done with about 52000 mainstat), which would require a paragon level of about 29000, which is obviously impossible. The highest paragon levels I can actually find are around 18k, which would give you roughly 4-5 GRs of damage above 8.4k paragon, or a top clear, with truly crazy paragon, around 148.
Bottom line: post-nerf, this build will be pretty comparable in power (or even a little weaker) to something like Leapquake or Frenzy Barb, GOD DH, or TR Monk. That’s… okay, but definitely not great.
Applying just one of the two nerfs to this set, in comparison, would leave you with 5k paragon clears of GR 145 or 146, which is much more in line with the stronger builds of other classes (Rend Barb, Bombardment Crusader… still a good bit weaker than multiple Monk builds…).
Other players have suggested things like altering the Mirror Images interaction with this set, or nerfing/removing Deathwish, and those are good ideas.
But, Blizz, if you aren’t going to do that, due to limited dev time or for whatever reason, then just don’t overdo the nerf you’ve elected to apply. Just pick one or the other of them, not both, and leave it at that.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Barbarian