Blatant cheater found on Twitch

do you even understand the concepts: maphack, cheats?
TurboHUD has nothing to do with these concepts.

“smarts” who do not understand the meaning of words and stick their filthy nose everywhere. :lying_face:

TurboHud has nothing to do with maphacking? Um… okay.
You might need to check up on what it does.

Not that maphacking is the only cheating in it.

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THUD not a maphack? Joke of the century. The very core features of it, meaning showing portions of the map and pylons before the player is supposed to (and that’s just the start of them), are the very definitions of a maphack.


One thing that cheaters love to do is rationalize how their cheat isn’t a cheat.

Not that you care but another game I played recently had bots that played the game FOR you while you were afk. The guy who programmed the bots loves to argue with people “It’s not automation, it’s augmented user command input” or some other buzz phrase synonymous with automation. It’s alarming how many people are incompetent enough to actually believe it.


I, for one, am just controlling my character through my mind. While I am sleeping. The bo, I mean, program I installed is just a digital mind reader.
No cheating involved! :triumph:

And brother Chris really is my brother.

This is out of context. The fad of cheaters streaming and convincing the internet they are pros when in fact they are noobs. Check out Call Of Shame on YouTube. Streamers in Warzone using VPN to jump in to bot lobbies and get 30+ kills but when they go to a tournament and struggle to get a single kill.
The false image of what is “pro” is what I was referring to.

Thank you for admitting, that is valiant of you, however it doesn’t exclude that fact that botting does directly affect play time, and thud players are completely useless whenever a patch drops and their cheats stop working. They literally cant play the game and wait for their cheat software developers to issue an update.

Imagine actually having to play the game, crazy thought right!

I’m not sure what you think I admitted to…:rofl:

Umm, no not really at all. You specifically said that streaming was a fad…

Incorrect. My point, as previously mentioned twice now, was that Cheating to promotes ones stream has become a fad as it is with other games. Here is the full quote since you seem to have issues with it.

“Let it go” and stop trying to derail another thread, the game is old. Maybe grab some additional members from FWB and see if it will help. There are already quite a few, and yes anyone can tell even on a hidden profile :wink:

Agreed, it is a 3rd party cheat, always has been.

I quoted you in full you dinosaur.

I don’t need any help with you. :rofl: You must be hanging out with DarkKnightRNA too much these days, thinking your “sleuthing” makes you slick or something. :rofl:

It Sure Feels Like PTR - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

Just trying to help against the war on cheaters.
There is no room for derails, trolls, call outs or misused quoting to prove nothing.
Only justice against those that choose to break the rules.
The hammer will come eventually we just need them more often and I commend the OP for having the ability to speak up.

Did you report your evidence to the hacks team at ? This is what the developers told us to do.

Lol, classic, instead of owning up to a simple mistake or confusion, he turns the tables and then triple downs on it.

Cheating would be anything that goes against the rules that the governing body, or in this case the developer, laid out. It doesn’t matter what impact it has on your performance or how much it does to the game, if it is against their rules it is cheating. If Blizzard said you aren’t allowed to play while listening to music that would be cheating even though for most it won’t make any difference to their performance.

Not a hard concept to understand.


So you saying

is you not saying streaming is a fad

That is NOT what you said

you said the streaming fad is being used to make people feel elite while they are cheating

There is no misusing of quoting except by you

YOU are the one that said

Which says quite plainly the streaming fad
and then you turn around and say

Besides just now, feel free to point out where you said exactly that instead of what we can plainly see says streaming is a fad
it’s not our fault if you don’t understand what you are writing and think it means something completely diffrent to what it says


In the mean time

People get banned in d2r for MH

because there is a completely different core. It’s like comparing iPhone and Android. maphack in diablo 2 and turbo hud in diablo 3 are different structures and act in completely different ways.

TurboHud, Bannable or Not? - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

stop talking about it people.
This is without us knowing about it.
read the closed thread about it.
If Blizzard decides that the Turbo HUD in its current upgrade is illegal, like a bot, then they will notify us! do not worry!
So far, Turbo HUD does not directly violate the rules of the game, but it does not have approval either.

TurboHud directly violates the rules of the game.

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License Limitations. Blizzard may suspend or revoke your license to use the Platform, or parts, components and/or single features thereof, if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:

Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:

cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

TurboHUD displays information which is deliberately obscured from the player by design. As such it is by 100% certainty a cheat and using it a bannable offense.