BK Vow Enchant pondering

I have an non-season ancient Vow and I am pondering what if anything to enchant, so I figured I would ask in here. I am using Crimson set. with it equipped I have 62.21 CDR and 39.74 RCR. I am 1137 paragon and highest clear is 103 but that was more of a messing around with IB set. I came back for this season due to changes. Still looking for might ring as I never needed one when I was playing before.

raw damage is low on Vow

  • 1370 - 1683 damage

  • 990 Strength

  • Skill cooldown 10%

  • Resource Cooldown 10%

The Truth is Out There

If you are able to reroll your damage range to near max, this will add about 11.7% damage, so I’d do that. On this particular weapon, that’s going to be more efficient and effective than rolling another stat to 10% DMG. Allows you to keep 10% RCR, which is nice.

Rage, curious as to not the str to 10% dmg…wouldn’t this be better long term when you aug a str gem?

Nope, because rolling the damage range can get you more than 10% damage, plus lets you keep the STR, the RCR, and the CDR.

On an ideal weapon, say a primal, you would want STR-CDR-DMG%, because the damage range is already going to be at the max. But that’s not going to be the best option here.

is that for low dmg range weapons or any in general? Im asking by i found a bk swd with RCR and CDR and i rerolled the str for %DMG…wondering if i made the wrong call.
I’m running the crimson set. dmg range was 1448-1817 on the weapon.

Rage, how did you figure out that rerolling the damage range is better than 10%? I need to know how to do this for myself going forward lol

Thanks for the help. I got damage to 1558 - 1930. Toon is Silver. damage went from 2,445.3 to 2,728.7


RE: Band of Might. Make a new LVL 1 Barb and spend bloodshards on rings. Are only 2 that can drop. It will only be a LVL 8 ring, so good for cube only, but will get you started.

Technically, in a VERY LONG term yes, rolling off STR is beneficial. But in this case he is getting more than 10% DPS from weapon range alone.

Now, to be precise, scenario of rolling off 1000 STR in lieu of 10% DMG from 1h weapon is very unrealistic for lower paragon players. Reason is, that 10% DMG on 1h weapon in WW means actually 5% (WW alternates hands) and for that 5% DMG to be more than 1000str player would have to be at 20 000 mainstat without that weapon equipped. Than there is the armor loss and so on, but overall around 3000 paragon rolling off str from 1h weapons come into play. You can roll off str for 10% DMG on 2 H weapon sooner.

Thanks for the info man. i guess mine will have to do…my NS barb is over 3K so once seasons is done it will be an upgrade for me. In the mean time i’ll have to work with it.

Hey PJ, sorry about the late reply. So, of course you’ve noticed that weapons don’t always have the same damage roll (unless Primal), they roll within a range. For instance, an ancient Bul Kathos’s Solemn Vow could, if you rolled as badly as possible, do 1230 - 1636 on a hit, or if you rolled as well as possible, it could do 1448 - 1951 damage. Average each of these ranges out, you get 1433 average for the really bad weapon, and 1699.5 for the really good one. (An aside: this average number, multiplied by the aps of the weapon, gives you the big dps number you see at the top when you mouse over it)

1699.5 / 1433 = 1.186, i.e. weapon 2 does 18.6% more damage than weapon 1.

So, if you were to find weapon 1 in a random drop, you’d be way better off rerolling your damage range than switching one of your stats to DMG%.

Make sense?

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thank you, this makes sense. Only question: where can one look up the max possible value next time I do this calculation?

You can mouse over the weapon and hold down the ctrl key, and this will show you the range of values for the rollable added weapon damage. It can also be found on d3 planner.

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