Biggest threats on HC

And no one has mentioned alcohol? Maybe that’s just me.

Avoid sobriety while playing. Go drunk or go home.


I don’t drink. Yeah, so…

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Biggest threat currently is the game freezing with the season 22 patch.


Why that?_____________

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Alcohol impairs your judgement, motor skills, and reaction time.
Still, it’s better to die from an “Oopsie” than a freeze/disconnect.
I’ve had my share of beer related deaths. Oh well.
At least I don’t drive like that.


If your sleepy don’t plat HC!


I recommend to create a a “power leveling gear” that is useful for any char by leveling a Gem of ease and use it on the cube to downgrade the level requirement of the gear to lvl 1. and also another gem of easy as high as possible to use in your weapon. i have a leveling gear i can power level my self to 70 in 10 to 15 minutes whenever death hit me
the gear i use is: Cain set(the one whit exp), the Born set, hell fire ring and Leoric ring that have % exp, the Leoric crow whit a red gem and a hell fire amulet . you get the idea


nice idea, thanks! _______________


Biggest threat in HC is a disconnection or lag imo. Save as much extra gear as possible, lvl gems for augmenting that you run in your setups to use as possible replacements, and run t16/bounties in subpar (extra gear) once you are strong enough to not see a difference in clear speed. Being in a clan that offers plvling after a rip is nice. Hardcore for life is an active clan full of good hearted people that do just this.


You have to play the character and style that is enjoyable for you. I play HC wizard because I enjoy that character. It has genuine advantages in HC due to having hydras which I can throw out in front of me and which cannot be reflected back on me, magical shields to absorb damage, and the character is intelligence based which raises my resistances to high levels. The major disadvantage is the wizard moves slowly (which is sometimes an advantage in HC) and is somewhat underpowered.


I second overconfidence. My Wiz recently died because of it. My tip is to always err on the side of safety. If you can breeze the T level without your HP bar getting drained in chunks, but still get the challenge you need, that is the safest T level for you.

I’m not talking about getting 700B damage and staying in just T1. Of course that’s the safest. Just be cautious when promoting yourself to higher T’s.


When engaging with elites, learn to always read the elite description if they are wallers, arcane, mortar. I would keep distance, plan ahead save my escape skill for when sh*t hits the fan.

My bane has always been acts 4 and 5 monsters because they stun. It took me hours or maybe years of playing to somehow get the feel of how they move so I can play around them.

Also when you do ubers, the Diablo realm is the pain in the a**… Harder than adventure/campaign mode Diablo. He spawns all ubers.


n00bs trying to push 135+


Watching movies while playing is not a bright idea.

Changing armory and not checking your gear and cube is not smart either.

Talking to your wife or girlfriend is another one while playing, especially if she is trying to upset you or is upset because you are playing all day and she wants attention.


I would only add to that: ALWAYS GO TO TOWN before pausing the game.

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Your post made me remember a couple others:

Upon towning at end of bounty:
Do Not go AFK until completely in town.
I’ve ripped more times than I care to say from assuming my towning is assured halfway through the portaling.

After finishing a GR, get your drops and upgrade your gems and town quickly.
Too many times there are undead monster like bats and crawling monsters etc. that will one, two or three shot you.

I agree with this. One thing I would recommend is a player starting HC should make a character in SC and treat is as HC character so they can learn survival a little bit before going out and making glass cannons to blast through high level rifts.

Playing HC while in a zoom meeting. The chair of the zoom meeting did something and my screen minimized in the the middle of a fight. Double proc’ed. Didn’t die but lesson learned.

Game crashes and server lagg. Those two have killed me most of all.

fmod is the biggest killer lately. It’s terrible.

Some some types that surprised me and I’d be extra cautious with:

  • Certain Uber Bosses
  • Malthael
  • Succubus orbs (small mobs, slow but deadly)
  • Cows throwing spears
  • Cow King electricity
  • Charge mobs
  • Molten or Arcane combined with wall(er)s

Those the ones for me, also there are certain traps that are nasty… Surly there are more threats, but like most already mentioned, all off the above are 10 times more dangerous when going into a rift you think you can clear easily, but don’t have the defensive stats to back it up. I feel that understanding how your defense works is key.