Better integration with consoles in next Diablo?


Since a lot of us play on consoles I would love better integration with it:

  • possibility to easily share your character profile between consoles and PC
  • possibility to get wings & transmogs like the PC does from Blizzcon
  • possibility to play with PC players would be HUGE

What do you think?

This would require consoles to have online and online only saves. Just like PC has.

In addition to to save system mentioned above, there are additional requirements for this. First of all, the game has to be designed PC first and console versions adjusted to match that in every aspect, not the other way around. Secondly and this is even bigger obstacle, crossplay requires shared network. This can be a real pain to create as different console manufacturers don’t want to play together. PC&console shouldn’t be a major issue but different consoles together might never happen.

Path of Exile does online saves…as does other console games. Whilst D3 was not intended for that consumer I’d be highly surprised that D4 will be offline on consoles.

It will be online IMO and with that comes better integration and of course better protection against cheating.

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