Best PvP Builds?

I understand that PvP in Diablo 3 is essentially dead. If you want to argue about this being a waste of time, you don’t need to say anything and just move on. Also, the Brawling forum doesn’t get as much traffic as General Discussion so I might as well post it here.

For those that dabble in the PvP of Diablo 3, or enjoy theory-crafting, I want to ask, what do you believe are the best PvP builds for each class?

I was a huge Diablo 2 PvP player 20 years ago, and when Blizzard promised PvP in Diablo 3 before release, I pre-ordered the game with the intention of playing D3. Well obviously, due to poor game balance and terrible management, PvP (and PvE) suffered and most players have quit. Regardless, I have built my characters with the intention that if I ever run into someone interested, I can battle it out with them in the Scorched Chapel. And yes, when I create public games, I always tag them Brawling.

Demon Hunter

My Demon Hunter uses Marauder because I believe that is probably the strongest PvP build. I use Multishot - Full Broadside and Sentry - Guardian Turret because physical damage cannot be absorbed. Other players cannot make themselves immune to physical damage like they can Fire, Lightning, Arcane, etc. by throwing on a Countess Julia’s Cameo for example. Using Sentry - Guardian Turret also allows me to have incredible range over other players, hitting enemy players 2 screens away without putting myself in danger. On top of that, I run a Hellfire Amulet with Awareness to cheat death. In PvP, due to how much damage players deal, cheat death passives are necessary if you want to survive a mistake or just not die instantly.


My Wizard is running Typhoon’s for the longer range threat of using Hydra - Frost Hydra. Like the Demon Hunter, the idea is that you have additional safety due to the hydra being able to attack targets out of your screen range. However, unlike my Demon Hunter, I’m only using Cold Damage which might make it easily negated by a Talisman of Aranoch. However, the same problem existed in Diablo 2, and due to the PvP community public rules, most players agree NOT to use such items. I’m hoping Diablo 3 also follows a similar rule set, but if not, I have my Demon Hunter to fight BM players abuse prevent element items.


I’m running an Invoker build because Thorns seems like it can be incredibly strong when paired up with multiple invincibility abilities. However, in practice, this build has struggles in PvP due to range, etc. I’m not really sure what would be better however…

For the Barbarian, Monk, Necromancer, and Witch Doctor, I have yet to really put in time figuring out PvP builds for them. What are your thoughts?

Its not dead, just broken, everybody dies with 1 hit.

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When I last did PvP, people were able to survive more than 1 hit… but considering how quickly attacks happened, it would be often 0.5 seconds.

You can’t really have a good fight unless you set some special rules and limit what gear is allowed.

Same as it was in D2.

If you like to play pvp in isometric pvp game or diablo pvp, maybe you can try Diablo Immortal pvp content, and no, i am not asking you to play (or spend money on) the main pvp mode (Battleground and Tower War) of Diablo Immortal.

There are 3 limited time event fair pvp mode where everyone will fight with a similar stat. It is about how well you build/synergize your character with legendary skill changing essences, legendary gem combination, and paragon skills, positioning and ability to do map objective. There is no OHKO from big spenders in these modes.

These 3 PVP modes kinda rotate (or take turn) among themselves every week.

The only problem is you need to farm the legendary essence/power + set item (you can’t buy them with $$$) of your class before you can play these pvp modes. Your character will be extremely disadvantaged if you don’t have skill changing legendary skills + set items in these pvp modes.

These 3 fair PVP modes are:

Conquerer is 8v8 PVPwhere you need to capture towers to gain points. The team that reached 1500 points won. More towers your team captured, the faster your team will accumulate the points.

Alley of Blood is 4v4 PVP where you need to destroy the enemy core that defended by 2 towers in a single lane. It is pretty much a moba-lite.

Wild Brawl is 4v4 PVP where 6 teams will be thrown into one map. Your team will need to defeat 20 players to win. Pretty much a fortnite/PubG lite as you need to go around the abandoned huts to find some stat stick gears at the beginning and you can take the enemy gear once you killed them.

And there is dueling in Westmarch, which is like D3 brawling, where you can invite your friends, clan mates, or nemesis to duel and winner gets loser ear.

Yeah, Diablo 2 had GM rule sets. And let’s be real, most games have GM rule sets in place for PvP.

Diablo 2’s PvP GM rules included:
-No Healing Potions
-Limited Absorb Items (Like 1x Raven Frost, No Stacking Thundergod’s Vigor + 2x Wisp Projectors)
-No Hacks/Cheats
-No Grief in Zeal vs Zeal Duels

Super Smash Bros Melee:
-Ban Wobbling

Super Smash Ultimate:
-Ban Steve

Yes, there should be a rule set in Diablo 3, just like Diablo 2 and most other games. I don’t think that’s a big deal at all. I don’t think a rule set necessary needs to force everyone to use all blues and yellows though. There are other ways to play with a rule set to make PvP more competitive and interesting…

For example, using cheat deaths help a LOT to make it so duels don’t last just 0.5 seconds. If you can cheat death, you essentially have the ability to tank while invulnerable briefly. Removing absorbing is an obviously choice too, since it makes you invulnerable to all non-physical damage builds.

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