Best 5 items for weapon, mojo & Kanai´s box

I think the 5 item combination for WD in the weapon, mojo and Kanai slots is the key to the best production with WD, once your armor (Mundunugu) needs are settled. For my weapon and mojo I am using Barber and Gazing Demise. For Kanai’s box I have Mask of Jeram, Sacred Harvester and Tiklandian Visage. I am not sure about TV (Tiklandian Visage) and also have been testing Voo’s Juicer. Except for TV or VJ, I think these are the best choices. My Mundunugu setup with amulets and rings, ancient jewels is already solid. It´s just 5 item combination that I wonder about the most.

You’re missing Ring of Emptiness in your ring slot. It is the reason why SB build use Locust Swarm. It’s either RoRG or RoE in cube or worn.


Tiki Visage is a trash tier item these days due to monster CC resistance.

Fun Fact: This is the very item that caused Blizz to introduce CC resistance for mobs.


I miss those days… Zoom zoom zdps tiki docs.

Tiki doc and pull Sader was my favorite support meta. It was very OP but I’m still a little salty that they completely gutted both classes for support roles.