Behaviour of some forums users disgusts me

I am honestly not suprised that devs or community manager do not talk to us more after seeing how some forum users react. If you want more communication, learn to respect people first. There was apparently Beta date leaked but removed after. And some forum users are already trashtalking community manager. Its making me sad honestly. Same thing is happening on Overwatch forums. I wish devs would talk with community more but honestly i am not suprised they arent because it suck to not be able to share all information and then be trashtalked by some morons just for sharing something but not all.


100% this. I’ve been lurking and reading often to pass the time before beta release, and every other post is vitriol designed to goad CM into some kind of pointless argument.

Good to read something reasonable, sir. Comm Manager must be a tough job.


People are really not smart enough to understand what you’re saying. They are kids or act exactly like kids that ask their parents “are we there yet?” every single damned minute. Think of the comm manager’s job just like the dad that has to answer that question a million times, except, it’s not his/her kids.

I get that people get hyped about stuff, but damn do you have nothing else in your life? Like is it that hollow and dull that if you don’t find out when this beta comes out, you will trash everybody until you do?

Remember to be humane, and try for the sake of everybody to be mature…

Also, being a dev with a passion is hard when you see that the people wanting to play your game are constantly insulting everything you try to do. Keep that in mind when you see poor results in the games you play, because its their passion above everything else that makes or breaks a game.


Is it possible people would act differently if a date was announced first day of August?


Is it possible that they actualy dont have date announced because they are not fully prepared and certain when it would be?

If they would announce date when not being certain it will happen, imagine the outrage and crying.


lets face it. People would still complain. Even if they announced August 1 and the date was the second. They would complain. Mainly because they are complainers.



18 characters required


That’s true, people always complain, I just think it would be much less.

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Sorry I forgot your uncle works there so you have perfct info right? We dont need blizzard devs and community managers when we have you then, lets do all announcements from now on dude :smiley:

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Wait until the beta comes out and they don’t get it.
Wait until the first week of the actual release date and all the crying for change starts.

Well if beta dropped and we didn’t get it, even though it is clearly advertised as “pre-order for early access to beta”, then wouldn’t we be in the right in asking what happened? That isn’t an unreasonable position.

Well yes, Boutus, but that couldn’t conceivably happen and that’s not what OP is lamenting or why this thread was started.

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Yes I know but I wasn’t replying to OP, I was replying to the comment above mine, from DiabloDave.


August is not over yet.
there are more than 20 days left.

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Yes but there are already 7 days gone without the Beta… That is how these entitled brats think.

:rofl::rofl: true facts sir, true facts.

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No. the personality types under discussion here are going to complain and be abusive and ugly no matter what happens. Life is about 10% what happens, and about 90% how you handle it.
Unfortunately, a significant number of our species do not recognize that truth.
90% of the troll posts on these forums are from a few dozen people who devote their lives to trolling, fussing, fighting, and making trouble on gaming forums. I doubt that most of them even actually play video games.
It’s not a point of view, or opinion - it’s a personality disorder.


This is a very powerful statement, I’m glad you said this.

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Well, you are about to see it demonstrated. The Beta is going to come out, and at that instant, all the malcontents who have been yelling about the Beta not coming Out will commence with all the old standards:
“My waifu looks ugly!”
“My class is nerfed”
“You didn’t make my list of fifty changes I specified!”
“Mean ol’ Blizz Devs don’t LOVE us !”
And all the same tiresome, nonsensical ranting we have heard so far, as well as more stuff I am not deranged enough to imagine.
Mark my words.


i agree, i said this once and my post got flagged xD cus peoples feelings got hurt lol.

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