Barbs in 2.7: Community Discussion

I think it’s a clever solution to the issues facing the build. The damage increase would still not be enough to bring the build up to near Rend, but it would definitely help.

Personally, I’m not really in favor, because I’m really glad there are builds - Leap, Frenzy- without perma-Wrath.

If the build acquired perma-wrath, i’d probably stop playing it…

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I’d prefer them to not have to run Wrath at all, personally. It’s something I repeatedly mentioned liking in the H90 PTR testing thread.

CC vulnerability for melee builds is abhorrent set/build design though. And H90 running around not actually engaging enemies until Wrath is back up, because the build is absurdly frail otherwise, doesn’t feel good either.

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This is my thought as well. It’s nice that we have some builds that don’t require perma-WotB or aren’t stressed about getting enough CDR to maximize WotB uptime. We already have IK designed to give perma-WotB (and while different, there certainly have been comparisons made between IK HotA and H90 Frenzy playstyles), and Zodiac Rend also achieves it quite well, so having H90 be different would be cool I think.

Between set design and supporting legendries I’d like to see H90 get the damage, toughness and CC reduction/immunity required to perform well without WotB. Ideally WotB would be completely displaced by something else. That one is trickier though to make another skill as valuable as WotB. Maybe do something with IP since that gets you your CC and damage reduction, but perhaps have the set bonus add a damage and duration modifier to it? Keeping high up time might be annoying otherwise, and as mentioned there’s no easy way to slot in PoC (without the 4th cube slot for S22 at least), but adding duration or reducing C/D might be too much overlap with PoC anyway.

My concern is that we get H90 buffed to the required damage without WotB, then someone still shoe-horns WotB in there and gets “game breaking” benefit, but I guess if we could make IP or another skill have very similar overall damage bonus to WotB, while giving defense and perhaps another benefit as well, then maybe we could get there.

Maybe we need a ring or amulet that gives a damage bonus scaled off our vulnerability to CC.

i.e. with no cc resist, you get a 100% damage buff. With 50% CC reduction you’d get a 50% damage buff. And with WOTB active you’d get a 0% damage buff.


Hi all!
After blizzconline will come new patch 2.6.11 or 2.7.
What barbs needs in next s23?

We need the raekor set to get a major rework and the IK set buff so that HOTA and vile charge become competitive.


I don’t know what should be done with Raekor, honestly. As for the rest, I think there are some easy kills:

Double IK damage
Remorseless to 600%

If my math is right, these 2 changes alone should put 3 builds into the 138-142 range (IK HotA, LoD HotA, Charge).

My dream list would include adding some real options for avalanche and boulder toss into MOTE. Like bouncing boulders that trigger avalanches each time they land. Not holding my breath for that one though.

Folks, remember that we already have a thread for this in GD: Barbarian Balance Requests for 2.7.2 (?)

If you have ideas or comments, best to chime in there.

Fixing the Raekor set is going to require either an overhaul to the set’s current design or major buffs to supporting legendaries Skular’s Salvation and Three Hundredth Spear.