Barbs, Bring It In

Let’s talk.

You know I appreciate the support over in GD. But I’m here to ask you, politely: please stop arguing with trolls.

I’m not saying don’t correct them–by all means, do that!

I’m not saying don’t dunk on them–by all means, do it with style!

But once you’ve made your point and presented the facts and informed opinions, stop responding to them. They’re not there to learn. They’re there to get our threads locked.

Another DO NOT: Don’t get spicy toward Nev. I know y’all don’t mean it to come off that way, I get it, but it kinda does, and that’s the last thing we want. I’ve spoken directly to Nev and she has confirmed that our current level of ticked off has been communicated to the devs. When I know more–or when we all know more–we can decide how to proceed.

For now, keep the discourse civil over in GD threads. I know it’s not always easy–believe me, I know! I wanna dunk on fools, too! But we need to stay focused and polite. Threads that even look toxic are not doing any us any favors.

We’re the best dang class community on the forums. Let’s represent that in each and every post.


Yeah copy that blue leader :+1:


Cut the chatter red 2, accelerate to attack speed.


I miss the down vote button, was considerably easier than feeding trolls.


100% Free. Been trying to convey that in those threads but it hasn’t worked the best. Thanks for putting up this to hopefully get the point across. Keep moving forward Barbs. I have a feeling we will see some hope here soon. Just might have to slug it out through this season.


Copy that Free. Thanks for your efforts.


Yeah, despite the massive disappointment of this season, I also feel we have some good stuff coming down the road. I hope it’s sooner rather than later, but I’m trying to stay positive.

And now I have to build a new computer!


Barb Wars IV - A New Hope

The Blizzard Forces – under orders from cruel Dev Vader - hold Barbs hostage in a terrible zDPS prison, in their efforts to quell the rebellion against the Galactic META. Free leads a rag-tag bunch of theorycrafters to rescue Barbs from their zDPS purgatory, and restore balance and justice to the Diablo Galaxy.

Dev Vader tries to fool Free and his forces, with a peace offering of the mythical item ‘Morticks Bracer’, which eons ago Barbs had believed would break their zDPS shackles and allow them to resume their rightful role as powerful warriors.

But Free cannot be tricked! (Insert Admiral Ackbar “It’s a Trap” meme here). He guides his Barb flock to safety, but many are disillusioned at the prospect of yet another season of scout/buff/build density slavery, and are losing all hope. Can he keep the Barb clan together against all the might of Blizzard and Dev Vader and the dual assault of their soul-crushing and hope-destroying weapons, We Hear You and Soon™?


Roger Roger sir Free :muscle:t3:

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Despite not getting my damn Slanderer sword this season I’m keen to go Barb again next season and have another crack.

Although WW isn’t what it could be, I found it such a cool farming build for GR 65.

I’m done for this season… I’m going to get my Slanderer this time haha.

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You mean like a Primal one or something? Or am I missing a joke here? Lol… kind of serious question. They don’t seem that rare anymore.

This is absolutely amazing. Thank you for that.

Hey Free,

Could you please check/critique this out to see if it is understandable?

This is a proposed solution to get solo greater rift parity for all classes. It does not address within class variability based on builds. This fix only involves changing one number per class and will buff all builds within a particular class equally without buffing individuals class-specific support items.

Due to its “formulaic design”, any underperforming/overperforming classes can be brought back to parity without buffing/nerfing any item or build.


I read it, but I’m not a fan. Class weaknesses should be addressed via supporting legendaries. Global damage buffs for underperforming classes won’t fix the problem, because it A) can’t address disparity between skills, B) can’t address disparity between builds, and C) fails to address core problems with broken sets.

Let’s stick to addressing individual classes individually.

Thanks for looking at it.

You are absolutely correct that it does not address differences in class skills and builds. It just brings parity to each classes top build(s) *** with each other as well as bring up each build equally for underperforming solo classes.

Good luck in your fight and uphill battle given the game’s history and its age. Barbs have made suggestion like your for years as well as advocates for other classes. Changes to class-specific legendaries have occurred on a infrequent basis for several years.

I am a pragmatist rather than a dreamer on this issue. If Blizzard could make a single number buff and have whirlwind barbs soloing 11.6 greater rifts higher and the top build in every class soloing a 138 in the next patch, I would consider it a win-win for all concerned.

*** almost invariably singular

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Devs will always pick the easy and safe road for a game this old. I am also not holding my hopes up, but you never know…

Roger that! The Barbarian forum is the most civilized, best informed, most willing to help and less rancorous that all the other forums. Lets continue on this tradition.


Folks, remember, when trolls make threads, STOP RESPONDING.

They can’t respond unless you continue to post. However much you’re tempted to dunk on them, correct them, etc, don’t. Just don’t.

Don’t feed the trolls, don’t pay attention to them, and don’t keep bumping their threads to the top. Stop responding and let the thread die.