Barbarian Feedback

WOTW set, Ambo´s Pride, Lamentation:

The changes to the set feel pretty good, I honestly think the focus of the damage changing to Rend was a masterful move because it eliminates all the clunky things the playstyle had and opens versatility to the build in terms of rolls/equipment used. In my humble opinion the numbers seem right and I would not change the numbers. The same goes for Ambo´s Pride and Lamentation, the interaction feels good and I love the sinergy.

Fjord Cutter and fury ancients:

Great Job with Fury of the ancients, I think its very good as is. Fjord Cutter I think it needs a boost to 250%-300% or so in order to compete with other sets and since earthquake build is not getting anything chances are Slam builds become the go to build for the set.


The damage seems a bit low. It feels like a buff compared to Istavan´s but It´s not quite there yet.

In conclusion the experience was nice and welcomed. Great job to the team, especially with WOTW set and supporting legendaries!