I’m currently playing the WW/Rend barb. And I’m a little confused about the Rend thing while whirlwinding. Am i supposed to massclick on Rend while Whirlwinding mobs?
This seems quite hard to do cuz when i do it the hero stops for a moment making it easy for elites to kill me. Just askin if im doing right? Or im just supposed to have Ambo’s sword and let the dmg go in with the WW never actually click on the Rend skill?
EDIT: I’ve seen some people saying its not worth using Rend with the WW build. Is this true?
There’s no requirement to be hard-casting Rend as the new version of Ambo’s Pride automatically applies Rend to targets you hit with Whirlwind and Lamentation vastly increases the damage Rend does.
Read the guide… CDR is usually advised on weapons. Don’t use Skull Grasp, Flavor of Time or one of the rings advised for in the guide should be in the Cube. Diamond is preferred in helmet (but you don’t need CDR everywhere possible of course).