Barb Nerf = No S19

Reinstalled the game since my favorite class was finally getting some love, Sadly might be unistalling… Rest in piece d3, There was lots of fun had. D4 where you @


Yes!!! I Do…

WW Rend Barbarian deserve more credit… Barbarians have been weak for a long time… IT deserve of lot of love…

Rend belt should’ve been nerfed by 50-100% bonus only, entire removal of 200% bonus is way too much.


Consider that new class sets are coming out in this and the next few patches. It will be easy to tune them to, on the surface, the current solo standard: 140. Sure, one or two or three builds per class will be significantly stronger than others–for a while–but that can quickly and easily be adjusted by buffing the new sets and older items in subsequent updates.

In other words, it’s fine if Barb becomes the new Chantodo’s for a Season or two, just like it is equally fine if the new Monk set is that, or the new Crusader set, or if in a patch or two it’s Witch Doctors and Demon Hunters. You get my drift.

The idea of pure, well-tuned cross-class balance has long ago flown the coop. We are never getting it. But we can all share, in a rotation, so to speak, the feeling of being top dog. It’s a merry-go-round that only seats one, but if we take turns, we all get to enjoy the ride.

Nerfs are not the way to do things.

Buff as necessary to get builds/classes to the 140 solo standard!


I’ve said this a few times before, and Blizzard has even said things in the same vein:

You should not log in and be weaker than you were before.

The reason for this is, players used an OP build for 6 full months. Lots of players took advantage of the speed, power, and GR capability. Now no one can.

Don’t nerf anything. Leave Barbarian as is from the original PTR.


LoL, best forum cry fest I read all day. Of course they need to back it up a little in Barb power, as the ptr ended Barbs in crap gear and no augments were beating 130s. There in no way they allow that much of a power creep. They are nerfing Wizards back to the 120s and I would bet my they are going to do the same with WW Barbs prior to the season starting or else they will be at least 10 Grifts higher then then field. That isn’t accounting for the next season Grift that only makes characters that group up mods more powerful.

Thanks Blizz, you did me a huge service by nerfing Rend. I was getting tired of playing z-barb in Seasons anyways.

The PTR is a test server. PTR numbers change.

In patch 2.6.7, Blizzard is even nerfing at least two outliers builds.

“its spin to win”

good to see the single digit IQ takes still floating around

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These are the kind of uneducated takes that Blizzard balances off of.

Gonna need a source on that. A barb with 10.5k paragon, 150 augments and godly gear beat a 140 with less than a minute left. There’s proof of that. Proof of ‘crap gear and no augments’ beating 130’s? Doesnt exist.

Wizards got a 3.5 GR nerf. They’ll still be doing 140+

More ‘I don’t know what I’m talking about, so I’ll just talk louder’ that should get people forum bans.


Miss Flanagan!

Don’t you have household chores to Rend to?

Can you please stop misquoting me looking for attention.

I said players shouldn’t feel weaker wheb they log in. Don’t nerf anything.

This includes Wizards and Necromancers.

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Fixed that for you :man_facepalming:

Not playing this season only because of this nerf to rend and blizzards communicative skills. I was looking forward to play WW once again at a decent level (not even top level with 200% lament).

Is it so hard to let Barbs have some fun for once in like 12 seasons? Don’t balance things around the S19 power. As said before, not even at top with this.

See you at S20. Maybe…

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this is a brutal own, i take it back, your IQ is clearly in the double digits

I couldn’t disagree more… this kind of thinking is what leads to insane power creep and to the 100000% modifiers which are required in gear today. Needing things to bring them back in balance should be done at the conclusion of each season and buffing other things to keep a competitive and fun meta.

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There’s no reason to keep buffing though.

Wizards Chantodo and Bazooka should have become the benchmark. They were allowed to prosper for 6 months. Now players can’t get that high anymore. What sense does that make?

Buff other builds to that range. Call it a day.

There’s no more need for power creep to surpass that level. Get everything to that level.

Instead, the developers have decided only Wizards/Necros get to experience that high of a GR. And oh ya, if you decided to wait to make your Chantodo Wizard, guess what - you’re SOL.

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The Barb dont NERF rend ws easily the biggest topic on the forums. Its now Clear that Player Feedback means absolute Garbage

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Absolutely not. Although I’m not a Barb main and rarely play them actually I def plan to play one this season. I want to try out a ww barb and I want to try out the new crusader set, although I’ll be starting as a necro for the guaranteed cube weapon that is actually useful while leveling.

Was going to play a WW barb again after about 2 years out as it looked cool. Don’t think I’ll bother now.