[Barb] H90 Focused Feedback

RE-posting this from Barb forum.

Ok, here are my results in testing H90 so far. I’m highlighting a few of the most important points in bold .

H90 2-piece does appear to double the rune effect of most of the important shouts properly.

TS: Terrify + Demoralize are both double duration. Falter’s dibs bonus is doubled.

WC: Veteran’s Warning gives 60% dodge. Impunity resistance buff is increased to 40%. For some reason, it seems to be a little screwy with Hardened Wrath. The base effect of WC is doubled from +20% armor to +40%, but the “extra 60% for 5 seconds” that is the rune effect is for some reason giving +100% of your initial armor. I think you’d expect to see either +120% (.60 + .60) or +156% (1.6 * 1.6), so I’m not sure what’s going on there. My actual numbers (with, btw, paragon armor% at 0) were 8886 armor before shout, 21326 for 5 seconds, and 12440 after that.

For Battle Rage, the base effect is doubled - +20% dibs and +6% CHC. (30% dibs for Marauder’s). Bloodshed damage is doubled-- 40% of recent critical hits. Into the Fray gives 2% chc per nearby mob. Ferocity move speed is doubled to 30%.

Swords to Ploughshares healing is doubled as well.

In addition, the “chaining” effect definitely procs both Bloodshed and Swords to Ploughshares. For Bloodshed, the result (assuming you’ve got optimal CHC + CHD rolls) is that Bloodshed procs deal about 37% of the total damage you’ve dealt via Frenzy, as an aoe. Pretty good. This amount is unchanged no matter the density you’re fighting in, since Frenzy deals the same overall damage, whether that’s focused on 1 mob or spread between 30 mobs.

STP seems bugged. Not only is its effect doubled by the 2-piece, but it can also trigger once for every crit scored by the Bastion’s “chain”. Furthermore, somehow it is getting doubled again. For instance, StP, discounted to 75% effectiveness for Frenzy’s .75 proc rate, should heal 16092 per crit. But, I was healing 32k per crit, twice (two different green numbers, each 32k, for 64k total). So there’s an extra doubling happening somehow. When you get into density, you can heal hundreds of thousands of life with one hit.

I’m pretty sure the chained Frenzy also procs AD , although not 100% sure-- even going through my footage frame by frame, it is tough to separate out a non-crit hit from the “chain”, from an AD proc. Ultimately, though, I did see some white damage numbers popping up on enemies not hit by the chain, and at the correct proportion for AD based on a nearby damage number. (i.e. Mob 1 gets hit by the chain, takes 100m damage, Mob 2 doesn’t get hit by the chain but takes 68m white damage. I had 68% AD.) Let’s call it “95% certainty”.

The Bastion’s chains roll independently for crit on every enemy. I think how it works is that if you have 10 stacks, the game says to itself “ok, that’s 11 hits”, calculates the “base” damage for this, divides this up between the number of targets, and then rolls independently for each one to see if it’s a crit. So if you are attacking a big group of enemies, some of them will most likely be hit by a crit, and some by a non-crit.

I’m not sure that the chain effect has an animation for every single Frenzy hit- I think it’s a bit like Bloodshed, in that it “keeps track” of the damage for a bit, and then dumps it all at once. The period is much shorter for the chains than for Bloodshed (way less than 1 second) but I don’t think it’s as frequent as the 5-6 times per second I was hitting with Frenzy. This may be why, despite fighting in pretty high density in the GRs I played, there was not much lag, despite the game obviously needing to calculate Bloodshed as well as (probably) AD. Not 100% sure about this animation thing, but the major takeaway here, as far as I can see, anyway, is “no game-crushing lag” .

Stricken stacks at the rate I expected it to (the Frenzy attack rate) . I ran a test using some low-level crafted weapons that gave me a 13 frame Frenzy. I tested initial conditions with Rend damage, hit my test subject for a minute with Frenzy, then Rended again, and the damage afterwards showed Stricken stacking at the Frenzy attack rate (i.e. you are not getting extra Stricken stacks from Bastion’s). One thing I still ought to check is a similar test on 2 enemies, because I suppose it’s possible that when the chain animates, it could apply an extra Stricken stack. Unlikely, I think, but somebody should make sure.

As for the Fear bonus, well, as I’m sure you all know it is a bit hard to deploy properly. If you want to do damage to a group of mobs, you need a second source of hard cc with a long duration. The 1.5 second stun from smite is inadequate, as soon as you pop terrify, the guy de-stuns and runs away.

I tested with Ground Stomp and FC: Cold Rush, and in both cases, they work much better if you freeze/Stun the mobs and then pop fear. If you do it the other way around, the freeze/stun will sometimes not stop the mobs from running away.

Finally, I did check to see if the 6 piece might be increasing thorns damage, even though it’s not written anywhere in the set. It does not appear to be. So: no thorns, just straight-up Frenzy.