Banwave, please!

“they might not be…” is a statement around what is possible.
“extremely likely to be…” is a statement around what is probable.

I’m arguing that it’s probable that accounts like that were cheating.
You’re arguing that it’s possible that accounts like that were not cheating.

At no point does my statement indicate that it’s impossible for them not to be cheating.
It does, however, indicate that I think it’s extremely unlikely for them not to be cheating.

If I asked you to jump out of an aeroplane at 10,000 feet in the air without a parachute on, would you do it? Of course you wouldn’t because, whilst it’s possible you’d live, it’s probable that you wouldn’t.

Everyone understands the difference between possible and probable except you when you’re straw-manning and claiming that people who said something was unlikely said that something was impossible.

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