Banwave, please!

This will be useful for honest players. And to keep good memories from Diablo 3 while playing Diablo 4.


Banwave, please. :pray: :ocean:

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These Botters are paragon 8000 by now, they are like in Berserk mode, every Rifts they kept getting faster closing and opening Rifts. Us non-botters just can’t keep up with them because they are only after Primals, they salvage everything except Primals.

As a QoL, we perhaps should have a toggable option to auto salvage non ancient legendaries.
At some point, those become unusable.
Lazy? Absolutely.

Immediately closing a rift would be good too when playing solo. Why wait 30 secs?
Leaving game and starting new one is faster…


Yah they dont do that here anymore.

I am talking about playing as a group, not solo. When you close and open rifts very fast, it puts pressure on players, and pressure is not fun. And like i said these Botters are often in berserker mode, for every rift they are closing and opening Rift faster. Usually i wld just leave the game when it gets too fast, of course they would need to spend 1-10 min to find a replacement. How’s that for efficiency ?

Why wld these Botters play with a group anyway ? They don’t need us non-botters.

Nobody cares. D3 is death, the only ones left are bots and maniacs who played 18h/days.
S28 is the end of D3 with overpowering crap.


Depending on who you ask here, those people are one in the same. Heck, there are some here who believe that if you play 12+ hours a day, you’re a bot. Some who even believe if you play different than they do, you’re a bot.

I think S28 will likely be the last interesting season. Likely after this, they’ll probably recycle some season themes.

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No-one, other than you whilst straw-manning, has claimed this.

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And here he is, folks. The very man himself! I knew if I said it, your ears would start ringing. Why would you reply like that? :joy:

What’s funnier is that you quoted your very part of all that. Now I just need one of the other 3 stooges to reply and quote his part and try the “nu uh!” game.

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You are grossly mischaracterizong what was said. For last season, a number of accounts (~20) had super extreme hours “played” that I knew about. All were banned by Blizzard. In fact, some players had their accounts banned rwice last season, as S27 had both an early season and late season ban wave.

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Because that’s the part of your post where you’re saying something happened that never happened, i.e. you’re outright lying.

In previous discussions, it was suggested that accounts which played for entire seasons with an average of 22+ hours played per day were extremely likely to be account sharing and/or botting.


Whatever helps you sleep at night :joy: You and I both know better. Or else, you wouldn’t have only quoted that ONE SPECIFIC comment.

It was also discussed in those same threads that they may not be. Do I really need to debunk you again, for the dozenth time? Tinfoil hat witch hunters make it so easy.


And yet the ~20 extreme hour accounts that were pointed out for S27 were all banned.


No exceptions.


“they might not be…” is a statement around what is possible.
“extremely likely to be…” is a statement around what is probable.

I’m arguing that it’s probable that accounts like that were cheating.
You’re arguing that it’s possible that accounts like that were not cheating.

At no point does my statement indicate that it’s impossible for them not to be cheating.
It does, however, indicate that I think it’s extremely unlikely for them not to be cheating.

If I asked you to jump out of an aeroplane at 10,000 feet in the air without a parachute on, would you do it? Of course you wouldn’t because, whilst it’s possible you’d live, it’s probable that you wouldn’t.

Everyone understands the difference between possible and probable except you when you’re straw-manning and claiming that people who said something was unlikely said that something was impossible.

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Not only a deflection, but semantics.

You’re not arguing, you’re deflecting and BSing. Nothing new here.

Please stop using words you clearly do not know the meaning of, it’s embarrassing to watch. :joy:

Now, do you have an actual argument, or are you just trying to pick another fight you can’t win?

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Each class has 7,000 leaderboard spots, dont worry about the botters, you can get on the boards if you play enough

You are right, you very likely could. The issue for those select few who actually care about spots is where they land. For starters, virtually nobody cares whos even in 1st place as they’re forgotten in a week but people will care even less about Joe Blow being in 299th place.

Yeah, that’s why possible and probable aren’t synonyms.

What you said happened…
Someone said it was not possible.

What actually happened…
Lots of people said it was highly unlikely.

Again, not a single person claimed it was impossible for all those 22+ hours per day for the entire season long players to be playing legitimately, i.e. not botting and/or account sharing. They said it was extremely unlikely they were not cheating.

A straw man fallacy (sometimes written as strawman) is the informal fallacy of refuting an argument different from the one actually under discussion, while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be “attacking a straw man”.

You know, like you claiming someone said it was impossible, then arguing it was indeed possible, when the argument actually being made was never that it was impossible, but rather that it was incredibly unlikely.

Just like last time, you’re a dishonest interlocutor.

What you claim is factually inaccurate. My forum account has been TL3 continously since 2019, meaning no bans. See:

I can not recall any proof of this being shown by you or anyone else for that matter.

Could you share your proof that someone (a real person and not some imagined hypothetical) has played D3 22+ hours per day for several consecutive months?

There is a simple explanation that accounts for extreme hours of D3 playtime in almost all circumstances.

Another ban wave would be nice.