For many, many reasons, this will never happen, but…
Imagine if, rather than nerfing/boosting runewords, the rune word recipes were re-written to improve balance! 
Of course, Enigma will always be Jah + Ith + Ber… we know this…
…but imagine, in a parallel universe, what would happen if (the arguably overpowered) Enigma became Jah + Sur + Ber…
…and if (the arguably overpowered) Grief became Sur + Jah + Lo + Mal + Cham…
…and if (the arguably underpowered) Destruction became Gul + Fal + Eld + Pul + Ko…
…you get the idea.
This is not something I think should be implemented, mainly because we would all require the Men In Black memory wipe gadget thingy for this to be possible, just a thought.
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I see what you’re saying, but this would highly mess with alot of the balancing.
like grief having zod, allowing an ethereal base would make it even more unbalanced.
I think a few small SMALL number changes is we could really do for runewords.
(Inherent 2 second cooldown like meteor each teleport with enigma)
or just changing the flat 400 dmg on grief to 350, But people freak out over nerfs, even if they’re good ones.
Also pumping up numbers too, like making destructions elemental damage procs actually do damage, like 750-1000 range. instead of 1-300 for high end runeword (What were they thinking)
Enigma needs to have its defense removed should be more like -700def imo. And Grief should be reduced to 300dmg from 400dmg and melee buffed like Barb skills. But no one cares for balance more over powered broken items the better i guess.
Sorry, that wasn’t a great example because, as you say, Zod would bring eth bases into play.
The point I was trying to get at was that it would help with balance if there was greater inverse correlation between how good the runeword is and the rarity of the combined runes that make it up.
lol…this would make grief even more OP.
Edit- already pointed out…but yeah. Imagine an eth CB Grief with freeze target from cham…omg.