Azmodan vs Inarius?

Who would win ?
Lord of Sin vs angel…

Hard to say, Inarius and Azmodan had met in battle before. They’re both powerful in their own right, with Inarius slaying countless demons and Azmodan destroying numerous angels. Unfortunately we don’t know too much about Inarius’s capabilities except during the time when he was tuned with the World Stone. Of course, if we’re talking about Inarius during that time, then Inarius would win hands down.

However, if we’re talking about Inarius before becoming attuned with the World Stone, then I have to say that fight could go either way. In the end, there’s too little info regarding Inarius’s capabilities for me to make an accurate prediction.

During the Great Conflict Inarius served as an advisor to the Angiris Council, serving under the command of Tyrael. He was highly regarded by his kin for his successes on the battlefield. He faced the Lesser Evil Azmodan in battle on at least one occasion (Sword of Justice). - Diablo Wiki

Hmm… i dont think Inarius can defeat him.

Well, that was insightful, now give a reason why.

7 evils are the most powerful demons , 5 archangels are the most powerful angels

Azmodan is one of them , i think only the archangels can defeat him.

Well Inarius is an Archangel. The Angiris Council members aren’t the only Archangels. That said, there’s too little info regarding Inarius’s capabilities to say if he can defeat a Great Evil.

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Yes , with the worldstone he was extremly powerful.

,Inarius possessed great power. Because of how he had tied himself to the Worldstone, his strength was great enough to give even the Prime Evils pause, and he could cast individuals into the Void if he so desired,

I have been intrigued by Inarius and I hope we go to the burning hell’s to free him. How would one of the Father’s of the Nephilim react after he sees what has become of his creation. The High Heaven’s are now closed and the demon hordes are running wild. I know that angels are spirits of light and sound, so how is he being tortured? How can a physical demon torture a spirit?

“Mephisto took Inarius to the Burning Hells. He bound Inarius with tremendous chains and slowly tore the wings from the back of the angel. Great barbed hooks were then used to stretch out his once glowing skin and his features were distorted by vile powers. Now, Inarius is said to be trapped in Hell within a chamber of mirrors, his eyelids torn from his face as he is forced to gaze upon his misshapen form for all eternity. This remains true to this day, and Inarius has been denied even the freedom of death.” - Diablo Wiki

Tbh, after seeing what happened to Izual, just about anything is possible. Mephiso could’ve invited Duriel and Andariel from time to time to have them inflict a combination of physical pain and mental anguish onto Inarius. Or had Belial damage Inarius’s psyche by giving him illusions of seductive lies (such as Inarius defeating Uldyssian and ruling creation unchallenged) before revealing the terrifying truth, that is of his defeat and confinement. Mephisto himself could’ve taken some time to toy with Inarius, and we can only imagine what the Lord of Hatred would do to the Angel.

Also, while angels are beings of light and sound, they are still physical as they could interact with objects and living creatures of Sanctuary, and the humans of Sanctuary can still perceive and touch them as well. So it should very well be possible for Demons to torture Angels, and vice versa.

Tbh, I’m not sure if this can be considered an accurate depiction of Inarius’s torture. After all, that passage describing Inarius’s torture was from the Diablo 1 manual and was used to describe the origin of the overlords that you fought in Diablo 1 as they were former followers of Inarius who were molded to match Inarius’s appearance.

With the events of the Sin wars as well as Diablo 3, I think it’s safe to say that most of that has probably been retconned. Also, the Diablo 4 unveil cinematic did briefly show Inarius still possessing his wings. So I think it’s also safe to say Mephisto hadn’t torn them (admittingly I do find it weird that Mephisto didn’t tear Inarius wings, as I’d imagine that would be a demon’s first act of violence against an Angel if they had the choice and ability to do so).

That said I do imagine that Inarius probably went through an indescribable amount of pain, pain that no other angel has possibly went through or could possibly imagine.

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It appears that Inarius was very good in combat. Did he have any special powers or abilities prior to the world stone?

Besides the abilities that you would expect from an Archangel, Inarius didn’t display any unique abilities before his usage with the Worldstone.

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I would think that it’s debatable whether Inarius is “still” an archangel in lore. The novels kinda imply that he’s not as powerful as any archangel in the Council (including Itherael whose ability is not combat-focused or even force-oriented). Blizzard also took away the title of archangel from Yaerius, making the title specific to the five.

Well… I guess we’ll know more about this in Diablo IV.

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Even if he’s not as powerful as the members of the Angiris Council, Inarius is still an Archangel (although this is also under the assumption that Mephisto hadn’t tore his wings and/or corrupted him while Inarius is imprisoned). After all, even the Angiris Council isn’t necessarily equal in terms of power; the only members who could be considered equals would be Tyrael and Imperius; the rest of the members either fall below their strength (Auriel and perhaps Itherael), or rise above it (Malthael).

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The five’s power level are kinda equal to me, as shown in Wrath.

But anyways, I’m more concerned about that Inarius is not referred as an archangel for even once in Diablo 3; instead he’s just called “the angel Inarius” throughout the game. There’s just no reason to particularly not mentioning that title. That’s why I say it’s still debatable.

The only time Inarius is called one was back in the manual of original Diablo, in which he’s more of a different (and underwhelming) character from the primary antagonist in the novels.

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Wrath never said that they were equal, only that their unity was what made them a formidable force.

Well Inarius didn’t have much screen time compared to the other angels, in fact he didn’t even make an appearance. Also, Tyrael had some characters simply refer to him as an Angel instead of Archangel.

While his torture and reasons of confinement may be different, that doesn’t mean his status as an Archangel would be any different. Also, the franchise hadn’t in any way stated that only the Angiris Council members are Archangels or that there are only 5 Archangels in existance. As such I wouldn’t consider it debatable for Inarius to be considered an Archangel.

They were taking about this on Westmarch Workshop last night.

Start at about 1:56.