I’m running the GoD set and have about 56.5 chc and 564 chd and got an ancient Focus and rerolled a stat and got a 205 damage stat and it gave me like 3.2 percent damage over my other one, I ended up rolling to 45 chd but only got like 1.1 percent damage so on paper I get more from the damage stat, is that the correct choice or would I put out more damage having the average damage stat back on the ring?
Ask a friend in game or ask in Demon Hunter’s forums.
Or easiest still, import your character to D3Planner and it gives a mostly accurate breakdown of what offensive skills give per interval.
Roughly, Crit Damage is better on rings than straight damage. Now, if a ring comes with straight damage and either/or crit dam or crit chance and you can roll the other stat onto it, then you have a fine ring. A ring some folks might be jealous of in fact.
But if it’s a choice between straight dam and crit dam. Take the crit damage. I’m thinking you’re probably dual wielding and so getting to 600% crit damage is really really good for the build because of how Hungering Arrow/Devouring Arrow and Area Damage work together. Those crits will do insanely high damage and make tons easier to melt the herds that you gather together through the rift.
Technically incorrect. Depending on gear and stats, raw damage does become better than Crit and the only place you can get that is on jewelry, rings being it, ammy it’s not worth it since it’s 100 vs 50. It’s not a big difference but I think Raw damage, crit % and AD are the real trifecta for rings while DW since you get diminishing returns on CHD. 50 CHC / 500 CHD is the soft check, if you can be there with +damage on the ring then it’s probably better.
You’re right, but he said he’s already at 54+% crit chance. He’ll likely improve his gear along the way and get to 60% or better. Now I could be wrong, but once you’re close to 60% or above then the close to 600% crit damage the better. Seeing as how 60% (or really close to it if not above) is relatively easy to get to as your gear gets better, I’m thinking the crit damage on the ring might serve him better at that point.
That said, he could possibly find a better ring between now and getting to 60% crit chance and it would be a moot point then. I just think the crit dam. will serve him better over the long term than straight damage would over the short term.
But that’s just my thinking. I’m not really good at math but I always try to get to 60% crit or better and stack crit damage as high as I can at that point.
DW DH with maxed gear is 54% not counting follower or passives, Archery would bring that up to 59%, singledout is’t worth it since not really practical inclusion for Gears. At 59% it might be worth splitting CHD and Weapon damage on rings given the choice, but it’s still pretty close. Weapon damage has less Diminishing returns and unless you have primals or near perfect rolls on weapon damage, it tends to scale better in that regard too. Once it’s difficult to find upgrades, you’re pretty much better off having at least 1 ring with weapon damage, if not both. 58-59% crit it’s good with both or 1 CHD ring.