Let get a welcome thread going for the new forums.
Let me know your favourite class and how you like to play.
On season I rotate between Mage, Monk and Necro and mostly enjoy getting as far as I can solo. I am open to group play but I dislike feeling like a burden to a group so I generally just group with people I know when invited to do so.
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Casual group play for me. I hate running alone but I’m not the biggest fan of meta setups.
Fave classes are DH, Barb and Wiz. Covers the ranged, melee and caster playstyles.
Very casual, then not, then very casual again
mostly solo play, some grouping within clan (usually die at ricky’s hand however
Fan of Wiz, Monk and DH, with Sader now and again. Rarely touch WD and Barb.
And WTH happened to the old forum 0_o
It got archived when they changed to this new platform a few weeks ago.
Ricky needs to set up a new 7S thread.
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I always find myself getting stuck with the last 2 parts of the season journey. I always dread pubs as I feel that being sub 1000 paragon would be to much of a drag on the rest of the usual matchmaking crowd.