Augment Gem Levels

I think that the augment stat bonus from gems should cap at level 100 and the bonus should be the same as a current 150 gem by dividing 150/100 which will give 7.5 stat per level.

What I find stupid about the current system is that you want to save your high gems till you get better gear. It is currently a waste of time to spend high level augments on gear that you might replace in a game or two, and to play with 2 sets is currently not doable if you want both sets to be augmented with very high gems.

Level 100 max for augment would be perfect because augments would not be a tedious full time job. We would actually be able to do ‘‘fun’’ builds if augmenting fun items was not a massive waste of time. Take Leap barb as an example, why the beep would we currently max level augment Might to see how far we can take the build?

The power of gems will still level up to 150 so there would still be a reason to actually farm higher rifts even if you make it easier to compete with augments on the leader board. People say that it is tedious to grind gear in Diablo2, well it is even more tedious to grind boring gems to level 150 to augment in a piece of gear.

what is your problem exactly? you only need 150 augments for pushing where every single mainstat counts. for everything else just slap on 110s and you will still have lots of fun

With a decently geared hero, getting a gem from rank 0 to rank 100 takes about an hour.
You shouldn’t get the benefits of GR150 level gems from that.

Whereas I wish I could find better gear to use my gems on…


It is simply not a fun gameplay to level up useless gems to make them in to decent augments. By you wasting time to get a billion level 120-150 gems or whatever does not mean that it is a fun game mechanic. They add tens of thousands of percentage damage to sets and you care if you get 750 or 500 stat from level 100 augment. Lowering the augment level will allow you to do more builds without being punished. I as an example got Ancients within Savage and Wastes, do you expect me to farm like 20+ augments level 150 if I want to push with both sets? And what if I also want to play Might, Raekor and IK? Augments is what makes me dislike farming in Diablo3 because it is boring to farm hundreds of Rifts only to upgrade boring gems. First you need you 3-5 core gems for whatever you want to do, and then you need to level gems to augment and wee, so much fun…

It’s not the high end gem augments that is boring, it is the low end, getting every gem to 100 is boring. I had suggested some way to get gems to 100 faster, maybe by getting more lower level level-ups by completing higher GRs, but to only have to do a GR109 for a guaranteed maxxed out gem is just way too easy. Get me from 0-50 faster and don’t make me do 10 rifts just to get to 50 and I would be happier about that.


I care that you want level 150 rewards for doing level 100 content. By that argument we should get rank 100 gems for doing GR50s and rank 50 gems just for turning up.


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It can feel like an eternity to level your gems up to 150, it will feel even longer if you hold out until all gems are 150 before applying them to your gear.

There are advantages to saving up and being the 150 augment virgin:

Advantage #1
You only need to augment it once!

Advantage #2
You have more time to find better Ancients, there is no point in augmenting junk with a 150 augment. Say ‘not today’ to the scrub gear.

Advantage #3
There is a really sharp increase in power when you augment everything all at once, but by the time you’re holding a complete set of disposable 150 gems, you are likely past Paragon 2000… and still… it is a mind blowing experience to trounce over an already respectable clear with 9750 extra main stat.

Advantage #4
Your gear is status symbol and true reflection of your hard work. Everyone wants to be friends with the player who has 13 properly rolled items with 150 augments.

That was pretty funny.


No. Instead you could suggest better ways of leveling up gems but granting 150 value gems for only doing a 100, no.
And theres been plenty of suggestions to help with gem leveling (esp like the first 50 levels). Things like double levels when X above the gem level, or additional gold spend for more gem level ups, etc. I personally wouldn’t augment anything below 100 since 100 is not to hard to get to anymore. You can easily get by with a full set of 100 before the 150 set.


Love the Arya quote. “What do we say to Augments?” “Not today.” LOL!!!

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On a more serious note, I’m not sure that many people run 150’s. But being a SSF player most seasons, I usually save augments for the GR 120 and above. 130 if I can get a way with it, but if I get a good piece early like a Primal with the right the stats, I might throw a 100 on it early and reaugment it later.

Eventually I might wind up re-augmenting my gear a couple of times as start being able to speed run higher GR’s at stages, like 120’s to begin with, then 130’s, then 135’s at times in the season where equipment upgrades start getting rarer and rarer and mainstat becomes more and more important.

At least that’s what I wind up doing. Right now, I’m leveling my gems to 131 and am about done with that and start running 135’s to get them to 136 or 137 by end of season.

In my case that has become real tedious work, after, on my main account, I decided to reaugment around 100 items from +500 mainstat to +600 (or put lvl 120 gems on better items found during that process).

Leveling up 100 gems to level 120 has been A LOT of work for months. Not sure, if I want to go through that process again to reaugment to lvl 140 some time in the future… :thinking:

I don’t have that many. I have the gems I use Simplicity’s 141, BotT 139, Teaguk, 137.

The obligatory: BotH and Iceblink at 50 and Mutilation and Esoteric at 100.

All the rest are the ones you get when you first start running GRifts. I just don’t have time to level copies.


Also, I don’t particularly like speed running Grifts but it’s necessary for paragon so I normally set a target paragon I want to reach by the end of season that will give my non season characters an even number in 100 paragon increments. Like, I have 3416 paragon in non season. My target at the end of this season is 2972 so at rollover I’ll have an even 4000.

I have 150 augments on my zbarb cause I get bored sometimes.

I see you’re also an Invigorating Gemstoner

Have really enjoyed this OP season on DH… been able to get a bunch of augment gems to 140 just by grinding out a few 138s and getting lucky on the 30%s. And that’s mostly SSF (aside from public bounties…).

Still holding out for a perfect primal TNCS, Focus, Restraint, Squirt’s, a usable Buriza, and gloves but otherwise nearly ready to push. :rofl: :roll_of_toilet_paper: :poop:

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I give anyone props for leveling gems like this lol. I literally level what I have to and then once I get to where I feel comfortable or my goals, based on my skill level and determination, I quit playing :rofl: . Not saying this to be disrespectful to anyone that plays a lot, but I couldn’t imagine running greater rifts for several months straight until the end of a season, repetition in one aspect of a game is a game killer for me.

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I mean you are going to have to do hundreds and hundreds of speed GR’s to farm items and XP anyway so it’s not like you are only spending time to augment.

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I think they should buff the amount of levels you get from an upgrade chance based on the level of the gem compared to the GR tier. My idea is to give an extra level for every ten GR tiers over the gem’s current level.


  • You do a GR 100 (empowered and don’t die).
  • On a level 0 gem, that is 10 increments of 10 over the gem’s current level, so your first upgrade chance would level the gem to level 10.
  • Now the gem is level 10, so you’re now 9 increments of 10 over the gem’s level so your second upgrade chance would yield 9 levels, bringing the gem to level 19.
  • Now the you’re at 8 increments of 10 over the gem’s level so your third upgrade chance would bring the gem to 27.
  • And so on…

This would mean that doing an empowered GR100 without dying would allow you to bring a level 0 gem to level 40 in one run.

I think this would make augmenting less tedious and reduce that impulse to save your leveled gems for “the perfect piece”.


Its a great idea, doesn’t really break anything and is really QoL. Similar have been asked for before with relatively little opposition since it cuts the time leveling gems “slightly” down or gems WAY below the GR level but doesn’t affect current level gems.

No no no. I wrote that word way too much today, but “casual” here … augumenting is our progress in the game.