Auction House that is more secure than ever

I was thinking that the devs should include an auction in diablo 4, as they have in the diablo 3 game when it initially came out, along with the authenticator. I understand there was a lot of security issues at some point before due to the 2 step verification not existing fully yet and authenticators not having been dummy proofed and fully utilized. yet for diablo 4 I think it would be a great addition to bring back the auction house now that security apps have been largely used and debugged and a way to join up with PayPal to allow player to transfer from in-game currency to wallet to PayPal with reasonable fees. where as blizzard is able to profit from the experience and the players even more from the game play and be able to be good for the morals and mental health instead of having to take up a second or third job and there be reasonable price limits for items and the fair amount of withdrawals have a certain fixed set of fees for the players to inherit in order to maintain a proper and appropriate balance for players lifestyle so that they don’t become millionaires from playing the game all the time. yet a reasonable gauge for item prices being a maximum of a set fixed amount that doesn’t go over a certain limit that way when maximum is reached it is sold and purchase and that there be no refunds if the transaction be faulty as a rule of thumb, it being a game of hell and what not be that the auction house is to be used at your own risk. that being said I’m certain that this time the auction house if created would be more secure than ever and already figured out how to manage…thank you for your time and reading this.

best regards


I sincerely hope not. Getting gear from the game is far more rewarding to me than buying it off the AH.

The Authenticator came out for Bnet accounts in 2008. D3 came out in 2012. There were no issues with it at all. That is NOT what caused problems.

The old AH already had that. You could either have the money go to Bnet Balance OR PayPal.

Blizzard is not an employer and video games are not created to make profits for people. If someone needs funding, they should consider an actual job that pays taxes, has benefits, etc.


yet it would be good for the sensibility for self isolating during the pandemic and other stuff when ever the occasion arises and still being able to put food on the table during those times. if I may ask what was the issue with the auction house before it got removed since it was a success and was lacking a simple balance of in game items that should be kept in game only and out of the auction house and some items could’ve been permittable to trade threw AH

What?! It was an utter failure. It was the reason D3 nearly died.


The RMAH incentivized people to day trade on the auction house rather than playing the game. It also spawned a boatload of gold farming bots, some bot rings amassing hundreds of thousands of dollars by selling gold before the value plummeted.

The RMAH was intended to curb 3rd party item selling websites, spamming, advertising etc., but ultimately ended up as a failure.


No, it was not. It was a massive failure that most people hated - except those who were making real life money. Gear rates in game were abysmally low to ensure people did not gear up too fast and “finish” the game. They did that because the AH was also a source of gear.

Games are NOT for making IRL money.


in my opinion it was great turn out anyway if they could even have it as an event it would ultimately be safeguarding against bots and back then security measures where not as fluid as they are now with A.I. technology and surely there are ways to adjust and adapt a game to work for irl money its a market that is waiting to boom and be a huge it since we need to face it its the digital age where in and need to embrace the evadible if blizzard don’t do it somebody else will

Just like malicious software and virus infections versus antivirus/antimalware software, the detection and removal of bots from games is a constant cat and mouse game. There will always be homebrew bots used by a small groups which will not release or sell the bot in order to fly under the radar and reap the rewards.


the way I see it job opportunities and have a dedicated team specially designed for the removal of bots and such.

When you say massive failure, do you mean philosophically relative to the game or in relation to Blizzard’s finances?

Although some think that the the auction house was closed primarily based on player feedback, FinCen regulatory changes likely played a more significant role. A major change to FinCen rules was announced Mach 18, 2013 in relation to virtual currency that and went into effect precisely one year later. As you may recall, March 18, 2014 was the last day of the AH, corresponding to the FinCen rule change becoming active.


That was the legal deathblow to the RMAH.


I stopped reading at Auction House.

"Our underlying philosophy here is we think it is the best when you can kill a monster, and get loot that way. So we want to make sure that whatever we do, we kinda respect that part of Diablo. It is core to Diablo."


I honestly think the answer is “both”. Blizzard spent a hell of a lot of money dealing with:

  • Maintaining and fixing AH code
  • Customer support for AH issues
  • Customer support for stolen accounts
  • Payments to third party money processing sites
  • Lost game sales because people wanted to PLAY the game, not the AH
  • Legal consults

In the end, I think it was both bad for the game and not really profitable for them. Of course, the FinCen changes are NOT coincidental. I am 99% sure that is why they selected that date to end the AH.


yet would it be possible to maintain that core value where you can get loot from monsters and is account bound and then the tradeable stuff and then the auction house items all seperate?

With any game auction house involving real money, there will always be crooks who will find a way to exploit and profiteer from it at the expense of others.


with that being said it be the perfect opportunity to fool proof it threw trial and error.

I agree that it was both. However, once FinCen changes were announced, the viability of the RMAH was dramatically reduced even if they were previously making money.

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as for the auction house there could be a set limit of how many times and item is tradeable and have it become account bound once purchased on the AH to maintain that feel from killing monsters being rewarding anyway thus being more need to kill and loot for gear than to use the auction house all the time and even have it as a traveling merchant that only appears once in a while since it will be open world experience to the addition of it.

Give up, already. Accept it, the AH is never coming back. Not in any form.

Why do you keep beating a dead horse that was made into glue ages ago?


in all honesty I ain’t a quitter and in my opinion auction house was the best of all time with adjustments and detailed attention I’m certain it will come back.

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