Asian servers Ethereals exists

Ethereals, a 24-season weapon, still exists on Asian servers. Please revise it quickly.

Yes, we know.

Just keep it as a souvenir in your stash… do not use it.

I’m glad you know that.
However, other users are already ranking up on the reader board.
It’s a problem to leave this unattended.

For what its worth, leaderboards on Asia are already a mess…

If the cheating/exploiting worries you so much, report specific cases by sending an e-mail directly to Blizzard as indicated here:

asian server is starring 24 season with its CR’s screwed, errors and bugs and now this :woman_facepalming:

ganbatte :+1:

I was able to create a seasonal hero today on the Asia server. Perhaps that is how they are getting them, and not because they are left over from the season end.


Lol Asia server is Bot Central anyway. You’re more likely to group up with 3 bots than find 1 human player.

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Unfortunately, nobody seems to remember the last time a ban wave on bots was done in the Asia reason if it has ever been done at all.
The challenge rifts have remained unattended for months and if the ethereals are shown as a usuable fixture that transferred, I would not be counting on it being fixed anytime soon.

Perhaps that sounds a little apathetic but in fairness, it’s not like with the botting and challenge rifts that Blizzard has done a lot to prevent feelings of apathy. As someone on here suggested, cheating is rife and nobody has seen any action on it. It does not bother me, but it is supposed to be the same on Americas, Europe and Asia regions. The only region that is supposed to be different is China’s.

EDIT - P.S - No it is not seasonal either.

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