As An Ultimate Purist, I want to play Version 1.00

The lord of destruction is not original and makes this game tainted, not pure anymore. Blizzard, please give me a version 1.00 Diablo 2! Thanks.


You know when your making a character in d2r you can choose classic or LOD, there will be ladders for both. The option is already in the game.

that’s not version 1.0, though i don’t think anyone wants actual 1.0 it was patched pretty fast because of how broken it was, and then that was patched because it broke something else and then finally in august they got to 1.03 and about 2 months after the game came out most of the game breaking bugs were patched.


12 characters.

It’s amazing that a single person took this thread seriously.

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Sadly this is not 1.0. That would be a really fun mode to have. Everything was terrible and harder. But the cow king could be killed without locking you out.

Llama goes through all the differences at the beginning of this video:

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Sure! I’d love a version 1.0, why don’t we release version 1.06 which is practically 1.0 but with a few game-breaking fixes and bugs.

1.06 is possibly the best version of the game, being close to 1.09 in how amazing they are, I still play them both to this day.

You just don’t get it. The bugs are actually the mechanics.

I miss patch 1.0 so much, no cooldowns It was so much harder I loved it, you can play the old game and use patch 1.0 if you want to play it

Wish they could removed skill cooldowns from D2R though, they only implemented Cooldowns because of hardware limitations, which shouldn’t be a problem today

wouldn’t call killing lord de seis crashing your game a mechanic but i guess to each their own

I don’t know much about those bugs. But if killing that lord crushes your game, then don’t kill him, as simple as that )

so don’t ever complete normal?

Not really everything. Whenever I hear 1.0 all I can think about is BG+IM, this thing was hilarious :slight_smile: .