Argument: Personal loot will disgourage player interaction

I had to create this topic after i had seen too many arguments such as “FFA loot will destroy social aspects of D2R etc etc” It is such a huge load of bollcks, i cant even believe it. It is 100% other way around. Personal loot will take away all player interaction and social aspect, atleast when it comes to loot, and loot is everything in D2.

D3 the dreaded example, you can play that game 100% percent multiplayer, and absolutely never speaking to other person, or interacting with them in any way, they might aswell be bots, heck you can even teleport straight to them, you dont even need to ask for portal etc.

In Diablo 2 on the other hand, FFA(free for all loot) engourages you heavily to interact with people, chat with them, trade with them, haggle with them, make friends with them, go hostile with them for reason X(yes it is also part of the game) You are almost needed to interact with other people in D2. It is something that is desperately needed back in gaming at 2021. Wayyy too many multiplayer games have turned into one person’s stronghold simulators, where you dont really need other players for anything.

Taking FFA loot away from D2 public games, would impact the game way too much, game would be heading straight to D3 direction when bunch of “bots” would zoom from start to fininsh, never interacting with each other in any way. Even seeing good loot drop in D2 gives you chills because its so rare, and you have 1/8 change to get it, personal loot would take this away also, among other things.

And yet, there is still personal loot in D2 in form of private games, where you get all the loot to yourself, or playing with friends.

Most if not all downsides of FFA loot, have something to do with hacks an cheats. I highly doubt D2R will be bot and hack ridden as D2, atleast not for a long time, it would be kinda huge fail from Blizz part, if they cant keep their modern systems secure.

I leave it at there, maybe i will come back to check the replies, or maybe i dont dare…


What’s wrong with discouraging social activity? People share and do things together far too much.


This is already not true though. I play even trashy D3 multiplayer more than I play D2 multiplayer. Most people spend like 95% of their D2 playtime in solo games MFing. The rest is chaos baal or campaign on new characters.


Counter-Argument: It will increase player interaction.

Why? Players can actually talk about their loot without the fear of missing the next item. There is less envy involved. People all have their fair share of items to trade with. And they are not playing with loot-ninjas who want everything for themselves anymore so they are actually willing to interact to begin with.

At least you have your own thread about it now. Thanks for bringing more relevance to the subject to further increase the chance to get pLoot in d2r.


Exactly. It’s just because they don’t like how Diablo 2 distributes loot in multiplayer. But that should really just be “too bad”, because we’re playing Diablo 2. This is how the game plays.

The game is not for everyone, what can we say? No game is for everyone. I dont like playing a lot of the modern stuff out there. But I of course dont endlessly petition the devs to change it to suit me - that’s what those games are.


You can join their betas though and give your suggestions and feedback. That is kind of the point of a beta, you know?

There have been times where a lot of things in D2 didn’t exist until they added them. There was a time pre ubers. There was a time pre runewords, there was a time pre expansion.

So just create a separate ladder and let people choose.


Sure. But it feels like a lot of the ploot topics have gone much deeper than beta feedback, and into the “D2-style looters are zealots and fanatics!” tone, which is quite absurd. But youre right, feedback away.

Also, this beta is not like a new game’s beta - this beta is not really for a new game. The game was already made years ago, and this beta is mostly stress testing, as was made clear to us. But insofar as gameplay feedback can be received during this particular kind of beta, ok.

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Honestly its because the d2 purist types only care about what they want, even when offered to leave a mode in the game where you can play the game exactly how you want to, not to mention the original game still existing exactly the way you want it to as well.

It’s your way or the highway while we accept the possibility of both.


FFA is the most selfish and socially competitive system there is, so… any change away from FFA could only improve social interaction.

Read: the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Robbers Cave Study.

There’s literal research on FFA and peer interaction, and turns out you are wrong. You can just say you don’t WANT personal loot, but your claim is just preposterous.


I have to reject that vehemently.
Please read any of these threads again.

You will find one group almost exclusively using arguments of the style you are mentioning. But it is not our side of the argument. There are 1 or 2 individuals who use that style, but almost all others stay on the topic. On the other side the quality of posts is more on the contrary.
Check for yourself. Pick any thread.

PLoot did not exist when D2 was implemented. At least one key developer has said repeatedly that he would have added it given the chance.
It is fair to discuss it again in the context of this remake.


It will increase the number of PK teams :smile:

Lol, there is literally a thread that has “zealots” in the title with regard to people who want to keep D2R with D2’s loot mechanic. Endless posts disparaging “purists”, already used pejoratively, as fanatics for simply wanting D2R to play like D2.

And oh no, youre calling D2R a remake? That is pretty pure manipulation - D2R has never been a remake. Theyre not remaking Diablo 2 - it’s the same game underneath the graphics. They remade FF7. Even the devs have called it a remaster several times. Come now…


Wow Classic is the most hacked and botted game and it came out less than two years ago. Bnet 2.0 will not stop bots in D2R.


Alright. 1 thread with a bad title. Let’s see what i found just by a short skim:

Does it sound like people encouraging feedback or does it sound like a pack of zealots?


Oh please, I could come up with a mirror list of inane comments toward “purists”. You should know that, this is a nonargument. But I wont because I wont put my thumbs through that hell.

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And when did I ever say everyone on D2’s side is encouraging ploot feedback? My original comment which spurred this fantastic discussion was much of the ploot topics now are diving way deeper than good beta feedback. But whatever. Enough of this! See ya.

Give it a try. You will find that the “go back to x” comments are not only more frequent but also the ones that brought the discussion quality down to begin with.
If people constantly spam you like that, at some point the conversation declines.

I beg to differ sir, I love to MF…but thousands of my hours were spent pub pvp or priv 1v1’s. To each their own though.

Not all of us are so willing to quote ten different people on a phone, let alone a computer game forum. Too petty and useless.

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