I don’t want to come off as aggressive or anything like that. We all mess up from time to time. Some screw ups are more serious than others, but we all do it. The difference is, that when we regular people screw up, we are expected to do what we can to make good for what we did. How about you do the same?
You didn’t even apologize for the delay. There was just an announcement that it’s happening, and a small note at the top of the preview. Not even a ‘Sorry for the delay’. That’s gonna piss people off when they have been looking forward to this, made plans, said ‘no’ to other plans, taken time off work, etc. You can’t treat your loyal customers like this and not expect backlash. In my experience, the most dedicated D3 players are not the ones also playing D4. Why you would take the D4 players wishes into account before the D3 players is beyond me. Maybe there is something I don’t know. You already screwed up by making the original launch date so close to D4 season launch. And now you are screwing up again by moving the season 34 launch date. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
The biggest problem I see is the fact that it was done on such short notice. I heard complaints about the season start challenge rifts were easy on all three servers for once, but that won’t matter because there will be new ones by the new season launch date. And then there’s the fact that The Darkening of Tristram will be over by the time the American servers launch the season also seem to be a big issue for a lot of people.
How about you pay one of your programmers some overtime and just make the Darkening of Tristram event permanent? Is there any reason it should just be ~one month per year these days?
You could also make challenge rifts like the ones we had in the season where the altar was the season theme. As I recall, you had to really, REALLY try, in order to fail those. At least that’s how I remember it.
Just my two cents.