Are Trust Level 3 Requirements Too High?

No, that is not complicated, but they are not going to do it. Bots are really good at defeating those kinds of captcha requirements. It only annoys actual real posters without effectively stopping bot spam.

The most effective means is usually requiring a paid license which is required here. The TL3 requirements are not to stop bots anyway, they are to stop people who would post links to malware, bad images that violate the rules, etc. The idea is that if a person can prove they can follow the rules long enough to get TL3, then they probably wonā€™t abuse it by posting bad links and pics.



Thatā€™s makes more sense. Thank you for exampling it to me. =).

Yeah, except TL3 is a continual slog, not something that just gets awarded after proving yourself. That I would be fine withā€¦ and Iā€™d agree that you want TL3 people to be activeā€¦ but I donā€™t see a reason to be THAT active all the time.

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I think the idea is to only have a top percent of posters with those image and link options. So, if you want only the top 5% (making that up) of active users to have those options then you have to analyze the data that determines how active those top 5% are.

If it turns out that the requirements here are only allowing .5% of users to get TL 3 then maybe they will adjust the requirements?

I donā€™t know if this is really the case, that it is intended to be limited to X percent, but to me that kind of makes sense. Especially given those options increase data use when reading threads TL3 people post in.

On a forum that is very heavily active like WoW or OW, the requirements are easy to maintain. On a quieter forum like D3, it may be unrealistic.

Iā€™m not sure if this is the right placeā€¦

I know you need TL3 to create a Wiki. But, not all Wikis can be edited by TL1.

I just attempted to pretty-fy a Wiki (that had a lot of links that require TL3 privilege) and got denied upon save.

IMHO - Either TL2 needs to have the ability to save Wiki edits (where the Wiki has TL3 required links) or TL3 requirements need to be dropped drastically.

(in the mean time, can I pretty please get TL3 so I can do those edits, thanks in adv. )

To counter that, in a community, people earn trust of others. Usually it takes longer than on a forum system like this one, but there usually isnā€™t ā€œX%ā€ allowed to be considered trustworthy in a real life community. Artificial gating like that only leads to distrust, usually of those that have the privileges, by the masses. I canā€™t see purposely creating a wall of haves and have nots based on some archaic metric leading to overall trust. I think thatā€™s where people have a real rub with how it ā€œfeelsā€ (aside from the fact that it really is a slog even for a legitimately contributing poster).

I think what irks players the most is that even after all that ā€œworkā€ to earn the ā€œtrustā€, if they donā€™t keep at it like cattle on a treadmill, they lose it again. I get why the folks that created Discourse implemented the system. After all, they named their software after the very thing they want to see in the communities that use it - discourse.

Iā€™m trying to figure out how ultra steep reading requirements and like farming leads to actual discourse. :slight_smile:

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I donā€™t think like farming will be as necessary as you think. I already have 202ā€¦ which is 10 times the requirement. That particular requirement doesnā€™t fluctuate at TL3ā€¦ just the reading and viewing ones.

Thatā€™s true, however just take a peek at the WoW forums.

Many mechanics donā€™t take the size of the user base into account. Over there, there are regular topics being flagged and suspended quite quickly. By now itā€™s more of a war, but it started somewhere.

Talking about WoW, where you need a fairly active account to even post (I cannot despite a large account and many years of game time due to being dormant), although it might be possible to report people with an account (meaning, you can create fake throwaway accounts and just report threads).

Meaning, I donā€™t trust the forum police. Unless itā€™s in the thousands who are trolling, there are no consequences of false reporting.

Actually there are consequences for false reporting. The new backend that the Discourse software provides makes is unbelievably easy for Blizzard to see who is posting and from where. They can spot patterns far quicker now than they could before. Using the flagging system to ā€œburyā€ a post has some hefty consequences, including loss of posting privileges (i.e. temp ban), which also has the consequence of permanently removing access to TL3. And people sock puppeting/smurfing with multiple accounts get all of the accounts actioned, not just the main account.


So, after 20 days, on the Europe French language forums , there are 71 topics and 398 messages. At the current rate, we will not get to 500 topics in 100 days ā€“ 300~350 is more likely. And there is no way anyone will achieve 20K read messages in 100 days. At the current rate of 20 messages/day, it would take 1000 days (2.73 years) before 20K messages have been written on the forum.

As far as forum participants go, as of tonight, weā€™re up to 153 TL0+, 68 TL1+ and 27 TL2+. There are currently no TL3s as far as I knowā€¦ The number of participants is growingā€¦ slowly. We got an additional 14 participants in the last 2 days. Ā  :slight_smile:

For consideration by those who have set the TL level criteriaā€¦


This is a bit of a strange thread to read, because the ā€˜powersā€™ given to you at Trust Level 3 donā€™t appear to be significant. Iā€™m actually glad that these forums arenā€™t filled (yet) with memes: it sort of forces the poster to try and make sense using words.

Enough forums online are filled with the ā€˜ayyy lmao!!!ā€™ gif spam. Hopefully this forum remains the place to talk about the game, albeit at this rate the talking largely resembles ā€˜5 reasons why I think Diablo 3 sucksā€™ clickbait.

Iā€™m still TL1 on TW forum.
There are only 21 topics (8 are system/sticky blue topics).
I wonder Iā€™ll reach TL2 this year.
TL3? ā€¦ never will.

As of tonight (27 Aug)ā€¦ about 50 days worth of posting:

  • Number of topics: 142
  • Number of posts: 1009

The initial forecast for 300~350 topics seems a bit optimisticā€¦ we may hit 300 topics in the 100-day window. There are still, however, some 20 messages being posted daily (forecasting about 2000 message for the 100 day window).

As of tonight, we have 379 TL0+, 127 TL1+, 44 TL2+ and 25 others (Blizzard staff, I assume)ā€¦ we have no MVPs.

@Nevalistis: Is this type of data (information ?) useful to you ? Itā€™s not too difficult to generate it butā€¦ Iā€™d rather not post this if there is no chance that the TL3 level will be adjusted somehow or if you need totally different data. Thank you.

Why do people careā€¦? Wouldnā€™t it be more productive and beneficial to get a job than to post a bunch of meaningless crap online? Kidā€™s priorities these days.

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Boubou is one of those people who has been very helpful to players over the years. He is Trust Level 3 on these US English Forums. But, he plays D3 in French. So, embedding images and videos in the French language is only partially helpful for those, like me, who speak only a native language other than the poster.

On the D3 Europe Forums he is NOT Trust Level 3. And so, he cannot embed images or videos to help players there. He, and others like him, have a right to be concerned about this.

Good idea. Why donā€™t you go do that?

You mean like the reply you just posted?


work ? oh yeahā€¦ I used to do thatā€¦ 7 years ago.

(yes, I retired in 2012)

Did you try to time it with D3ā€™s release or is it one of lifeā€™s coincidences?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Aw common, his post wasnā€™t useless.

It has shown us all here we can safely ignore any posts under his name.


And why we need that oh-so-wonderful Mute button that hides posts & threads of the muted.

If you havenā€™t already voted, feel free to do so. You get cookies afterwards.

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Definitely agree. Though, at least it isnā€™t quite as bad on these new forums.

Still early days I guess. :rofl: