Archon: which ability is best DPS?

I want to know whether i should be using the disintegrate or wave of force (alongside spamming explosive blast on cooldown obviously).

Ive been mostly using the wave of force + explosive blast spam.

TL;DR: Always Blast. Strike at low stack counts early in your rotation. Either Beam or Strike once you have stacks rolling. Beam if you need to be at range (e.g. to be in Oculus or to survive vs. certain RGs, or to aggro stuff).

The Strike is ideal most of the time. The ground strike (wave of force) will tend to stack Vyr6 Archon stacks and Stricken faster. Particularly at lower stack counts.

The beam does some funky snapshotting for the Vyr6 stack rate when you enter Archon. If you have 5 APS when you enter Archon it doesn’t matter and both the beam and the strike will stack Vyr6 at the same rate. If you have lower APS, then the beam will be stuck stacking at a lower rate but the Strike will dynamically update as you gain more stacks so it will start stacking faster than the beam.

If you aren’t sure, you can just use the Strike all the time and that will have you covered in most situations. If you know you have a decent stack count rolling, you can use the beam periodically to aggro stuff in, to stand in an Oculus ring if there aren’t enemies right beside it, or to stay alive vs. certain RGs that you just can’t facetank.

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